What is “blog stats” means?

  • What is it give us; how many people come to our blog or how many posts was readen.?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Yes all of these are shown.

    Total visitors, busiest day, todays visitors, top posts & pages,…

    – Lora

  • Now, it written “269 views” on my blog stat chart. What does it mean? Is it means how many different “visitor” come my blog?

  • When you move your cursor on your chart it will show you how many visitors have visited your blog at that day your cursor is placed on.
    I’m not sure where you are seing 269 views, but this does indeed mean that your blog has receiven 269 visitors, your visits are by the way excluded.

    When you go to your stats page at the button your can see the total visitors. ( Dashboard => Blog Stats)

    – Lora

  • may i just ask, why is it that i know my friends are reading my blog because they have commented on it, but nothing is registered on my blog stat?

  • @ lorawow

    Doesn’t it mean page views. That is, if one visitor makes 5 visits during the day, wouldn’t my views show 5, rather than 1 for “that visitor”?


  • Natasha, Your number of “hits” are staying the same? that is strange.
    Hasanrua, it sounded like you wanted to know what the word “blog stats” meant, if this is the case they mean Blog Statistics.

  • @jalexartis: The views which you see on the charts on the main stats page are visitors as far as I know.
    This does not mean that people have to enter your site on the homepage to get added to the stats, each visitor counts, even if they see images in google it counts as a view for your blog.

    – Lora

  • jalexartis is correct. The stats reflect page views. From the FAQ:

    “What does the graph show?
    The graph shows page views each day. For example, if a visitor starts at an article, then views the home page and three pages of your January archives, that visit counts as 5 views.”

  • Hm. My visitor count is just gone down, ALOT. ^^

  • Today I posted a link to a post to my wife’s Facebook and noticed a jump in my traffic. I could easily track where the boost was coming from. Later on I submitted the same link to Reddit and noticed a huge jump in traffic from that site–maybe 3x as much.

    Anyway my question is that the stats on dashboard page and the referrers and top posts columns after this submission was done. The graph on the dashboard page and the stats on the top post column matches, but the referrers column doesn’t reflect that change at all.

    Any suggestions why this is so?

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