Weird Html

  • What’s this stuff for?

    <div class=”wrc_container”><img id=”wrccat_pornography” alt=”” width=”30″ height=”30″ /><img id=”wrccat_violence” alt=”” width=”30″ height=”30″ /><img id=”wrccat_gambling” alt=”” width=”30″ height=”30″ /><img id=”wrccat_drugs” alt=”” width=”30″ height=”30″ /><img id=”wrccat_illegal” alt=”” width=”30″ height=”30″ /></div>

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Where exactly do you see that code containing those highly charged keywords? Post the URL of the post or page it’s on please.

  • Hi TT, If you could go back in time that might help. I found that code when I was getting rid of what I presumed to be artifacts. I did and they’re gone.

    I asked someone to start the site for me and they were taking forever, then I asked a friend to help and that was going just as slow.
    Still don’t know how they got into there, I just saw some broken links on the page and went into the code to peek. Once I took out the 30×30 buttons the weirdness was gone. I did google it and found there’s a little info but nothing I could understand.

    I build a large site for my sculptures on Frontpage some dozen years ago and I didn’t want to learn a whole new system to get jiggy with mobile tech. Now I have to, but I don’t like the idea of constantly scanning the site to check for weirdness. How secure is the WordPress server?

  • There are 3 redundant servers farms in three different locations.

    I’m concerned about the keywords I see there. Are your image files really titled with those keywords?

  • NFW. There are some NSFW stories on my frontpage generated site, but nothing like that will ever make it to the WordPress site. There is nothing like them on a page that might have beed copied from,

    Looking at the spare html on that page is like looking at a minimalist painting compared to what I’m seeing now.

    I am concerned about this and I’m wondering if I should just stick with Frontpage, or whatever the Overlords of Windows are selling now. Actually, I have a Mac now, so I’ll have to dust off my old laptop.

  • I’m sorry I have no advice I can provide. I’ll tag this thread for a Staff response. Please subscribe to the thread so you are notified when they respond and please be patient while waiting.

  • No need to be sorry, you satisfied my concern about the code. the person that built it didn’t know what to make of it, and the other person that was working on it thought it could be there for a purpose.

    Not a Meta I want, thanks again.

  • The image IDs do not concern me nor do the attributes for width and height. The HTML tags are easy to figure out. It was only the keywords I saw that concerned me.

  • You and me both. I don’t know a lot, but I know they didn’t belong there. I’m surprised I found them at all.

  • Found the archive section, first post:


    <div id=”wrchoverdiv”>
    <div class=”wrc_container wrc_header”>
    <div class=”wrc_logo”>WebRep</div>
    <img class=”hline” alt=”” src=”//wrc/skin/png/line-dark-horizontal.png” />
    <div class=”wrc_title”>Overall rating</div>
    <img class=”hline” alt=”” src=”//wrc/skin/png/line-dark-horizontal.png” />
    <div id=”wrc_bigscore”></div>
    <div class=”wrc_txtrating” id=”wrc_txtrating”></div>
    <div class=”wrc_container”><img id=”wrccat_shopping” alt=”” width=”30″ height=”30″ /><img id=”wrccat_social” alt=”” width=”30″ height=”30″ /><img id=”wrccat_news” alt=”” width=”30″ height=”30″ /><img id=”wrccat_it” alt=”” width=”30″ height=”30″ /><img id=”wrccat_corporate” alt=”” width=”30″ height=”30″ /></div>
    <div class=”wrc_container”><img id=”wrccat_pornography” alt=”” width=”30″ height=”30″ /><img id=”wrccat_violence” alt=”” width=”30″ height=”30″ /><img id=”wrccat_gambling” alt=”” width=”30″ height=”30″ /><img id=”wrccat_drugs” alt=”” width=”30″ height=”30″ /><img id=”wrccat_illegal” alt=”” width=”30″ height=”30″ /></div>
    <img class=”hline” alt=”” src=”//wrc/skin/png/line-dark-horizontal.png” />

  • Tags like that can be added manually by someone editing a post or page. It allows you to use custom CSS to modify the look of a page.

    Is this code appearing on a site where it shouldn’t be? If so, can you please link me to the post or page where it is showing up?

  • I didn’t build the original site and my friend was taking a little too long to get things together so I jumped in late last week. I found the code after I noticed what I supposed to be broken links on the home page. I peeked at the code before it edited them out, a habit I picked up from using Frontpage some dozen years ago.

    If you have access, go through the archives of to the first page and you’ll see it was there at the start.

    If it came from my buddy it must have snuck in somehow before anything else was done. I know him well enough to know he wouldn’t do something like that

  • I’d like to help, but please post a direct link to the post or page in question.

    Also, nothing in the code you posted looks malicious, so you may also wish to discuss this with your friend who built the site. It is simply HTML code for formatting purposes.

  • since the page only exists in the site archive I don’t know how to link you with it.

    The prior post, the one you responded to, was the entirety of the code content of that first, archived, page

    If this is part of the meta it’s not something I want on my site. When I see stuff like drugs, gambling, pornography, violence buried in the code I get a little freaked out. It may not be malicious, but it doesn’t belong there.

  • Can you paste whatever link is showing up in your browser window when you are viewing the page with that code?

  • Thank you. Now that I can see it, that is the revisions page for the home page for All of that HTML code is to modify the way the images display on the page.

    You can view the text editor directly here:

    There’s nothing to worry about.

  • I’m sorry, but I don’t see the need to include porn, drugs, illegal, gambling or violence in the code.

    Can you give me a reasonable explanation for their inclusion? They have nothing to do with image display in my universe, small as it may be.

  • Those labels do not exist on the page you linked.

    If they show up elsewhere, then someone had to add them manually. Again, you should check with the person who created the site if you have questions about it.

  • This is copied from that page;
    <div class=”wrc_container”><img id=”wrccat_pornography” alt=”” width=”30″ height=”30″ /><img id=”wrccat_violence” alt=”” width=”30″ height=”30″ /><img id=”wrccat_gambling” alt=”” width=”30″ height=”30″ /><img id=”wrccat_drugs” alt=”” width=”30″ height=”30″ /><img id=”wrccat_illegal” alt=””

    My friend would not have intentionally inserted anything like that.

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