Website hacked, can't access login or restore

  • My website was hacked shortly after I made my most recent post on August 12, so I’m thinking a day or two after that. I was out of the country without a computer so I don’t have local backups and haven’t been able to work on fixing it until now, a month and a half later.

    I can’t access admin or any of my pages. I either get a blank white page that says “hacked by Hwins 2005” or a Page Not Found error. The website is

    I contacted my host and apparently they “can’t find” any backups for my site from longer than a few days ago. I’ve spent hours searching through the code looking for anything out of the ordinary but I have only the most basic understanding of html and didn’t find anything odd.

    Help!!!!! How can I fix the site while still preserving my posts and their comments and the theme and edits I’ve made?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The site you are asking about does not seem to be hosted on WordPress.COM so you need to make friends over at WordPress.ORG the keepers of the software you are using.

    This site is for support of sites hosted on WordPress.COM. You should address your questions to WordPress.ORG the keepers of the software you are using:

    The forum at WordPress.ORG is not connected to WordPress.COM so you will need to open an account at .ORG if you do not already have one. You may use the same email at WordPress.ORG as you do at WordPress.COM.

    For more on the difference:

    If you are asking for help with a WordPress.COM site then we need a link to that site to give you accurate help.

  • pay no attention to @henary12 – they are link spamming

  • Thanks @auxclass :)

    @amybmarton – if your host can help you make a backup, you’ll want to do that, then you can use some of the information from’s support pages, like this:

    Good luck!

  • Unfortunately my host only has backups from the previous week, so that’s no help as the hack has been around for a month and a half.

    Update: I deleted all the plugin folders from my file manager, and changed the key in wp-config, and reset my wordpress password again and found out that my username is different? How does a username change?

    Additionally, I now have access to my dashboard again, though still not to the site.

  • An individual installation is different from a site hosted here at, but if you’ll ask in the forums, someone there may have more ideas for you:

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