
  • How come my website says daphnemillrising.wordpress.com instead of daphnemillsrising.com? Help

    WP.com: Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there! 👋🏼

    How come my website says daphnemillrising.wordpress.com instead of daphnemillsrising.com? Help

    You’ll want to set your domain as a primary site address. You can achieve this by following the instructions from this guide:

    Domains » Set a Primary Address
    3 min read
    Your primary site address is the domain that people will see in their browser’s address bar when visiting your site. It is the address you use to promote your website. Requirements To use a domain as your site’s primary address, you will need: A domain registered or connected to WordPress.com. Any paid WordPress.com plan. With a paid WordPress.com plan, you can set a custom do

    I hope this helps!

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