Waypoint offset

  • Hi there,
    I am building with DIVI theme and I want to take advantage of the implemented waypoint plugin. But I can‘t reset the offset. I want to write this offset hack into my custom.js but this right here is not working. Any clues?

    jQuery(document).ready(function() {

    if ($.fn.waypoint) {

    jQuery('.et_pb_counter_container, .et-waypoint').waypoint( {

    offset: ‘60%’,

    handler: function() {

    jQuery(this).addClass( ‚et-animated‘ );



    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    	if ($.fn.waypoint) {
    		jQuery('.et_pb_counter_container, .et-waypoint').waypoint( {
    		offset: '60%',
    		handler: function() {
    			jQuery(this).addClass( ‚et-animated‘ );
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