Want to change subscriber email notifications

  • When I publish a new article, WordPress sends out email notifications to my subscribers that contain the full text of the articles. I’d prefer that it only send out a link with the title of each new article. My concern is that some subscribers might only read the email, and I’d prefer to get the site traffic and potential comment engagement. Mine is a free plan, so I have no plugins. I can’t find any way to modify subscriber emails.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there, thanks for the feedback. We don’t have any options for title-only emails for free sites. Generally though, if you select “For each post in a feed, include Excerpt” they will not get the full post, unless your posts are very short:


    I noticed your excerpt setting is already selected. Was that a recent change or has it been like that all along? If it’s been like that all along, have your readers been getting full emails all along or is that a recent change?

    Thanks in advance for any further context you can provide.

  • Thanks for the quick reply!

    I recently made that change but wanted to ask if there was a better option. It seems as if there isn’t with a ‘free’ site.


  • Thanks for confirming; we’ll investigate some more and, hopefully, find a fix for this.

    In the meantime, and since you’re looking for other options, you can also consider creating your own newsletter. Lots of other WordPress.com users set up MailChimp. While you’re right that you wouldn’t be able to add a sign-up pop-up to a free site, you can add a MailChimp block to any page or post:


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