Viewing My Blog in Different Languages

  • i have seen in places like blogspot where you can put buttons that when you click upon it, you will see a translation of the blog in the chosen language. i suspect that’s javascript, but i’m wondering if anybody knows one that can be used for i’d like to have my blog read in french and other languages to reach out to more people (nah, i’m just a hitseeker actually).

  • Just enter the following code in a text widget to read your blog in French.

    Can post code here >:( It won’t take it. If you can, copy the link location and paste it in the href of an <a> tag. Put that code inside a text widget and voila!

    If you need help with the code, let me know how I can contact you and I’ll email it to you.

  • i was looking for those that come with buttons as well, but i never thought of just putting it as links in a text widgets, which serve the purpose quite well too…

    i manage to get the link for french, spanish, italian, portuguese and german, but i can’t for dutch. can you put it here like how you did?

  • oh, i’ve just figured it out. thank you so much devblog! i’ve been wanting this a long time.

  • You’re welcome. Glad to be of help.

  • how can i forget my own national language? i’m looking for a malay translation but i think babelfish doesn’t support it, neither does google translate. does anybody know a site that does? i tried looking for it but they seem to only translate the more popular languages.

  • I haven’t found one. :(

  • it’s too rare i guess. it’s okay, thanks for trying doc

  • This does not work for me, nor does Google translation. Any ideas why? I do use domain mapping and custom css with Sandbox. However I don’t think Kubrick or Neat! ever worked either.

    I wonder what the deal is. It would be nice if this worked for me. I tried it the exact same way with my Blogger blog and both translation services worked flawlessly, so it seems to be an issue with my blog.

    Any ideas?

  • but it works perfectly with my blog. i placed the links in a text widget at the sidebar. wait a bit, i’m sure someone can work it out for you.

  • No, it does not work for me. I’m pretty sure that this is a bug with the domain mapping feature. I have contacted support to report this.

    Ever since I have been using this since last summer, I cannot translate my blog.

    EDIT: I have figured it out. It is a bug in the domain mapping feature. When I turn it off, it translates just fine. So this is definitely a bug.

    Yeah, this sucks.

  • so why not just turn off domain mapping, then you can get those translations working?

  • It has been solved. I reported the bug. Barry and Mark fixed the bug.

  • good to hear that. =)

  • I tried to have a blog in Spanish, and one in English. Now I cant change it back to English.
    The side bar is in english, but the rest (administration etc), is in Spanish. What do I do???

  • If you have changed the language to Spanish on your General Options page and it hasn’t affected your admin, etc. then please send a feedback in to staff. Bloggers volunteering to answer questions on the forum and Moderators do not have backend access to blogs and cannot affect “technical fixes” only staff can do that. :)

  • Thank you timethief !

  • You’re welcome. :)

  • just want to share with other bloggers who stumble across this page as i get a few hits from here: a friend commented on the not-so-good translation offered by automatic translations like babelfish or google translations, and i don’t see many of my readers clicking on the translation anyway, so i’ve taken it off. but if you still want to have a look at it, i have it in my book blog

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