‘Viewers’ & ‘Visitors’ on my articles are not registering

  • Problems with both of my website http://www.husainakhtar.uk and https://harrowmonitoringgroup.uk/ :

    For the past few days the number of ‘Viewers’ and ‘Visitors’ on my articles are not registering, i.e. when an article is read, ‘Viewers’ and ‘Visitors’ doesn’t change ! Could you help, please!

    WP.com: Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there!

    I see you’ve also reached out to us by email, that’s great! Our engineers will take a close look at your site’s stats to make sure everything is in working order, and get back to you with specifics there.

    In the meantime, I wanted to mention some important functions of the Jetpack Stats on WordPress.com sites.

    First – not all visits to your site can be tracked, including:

    • Visits from browsers that do not execute javascript or load images.
    • Googlebot and other search engine spiders.
    • Visits to a publicly available site by users that are logged in, and listed as members of the site.

    Additionally, the views number is typically higher than the visitors number (since a visitor can view pages of a site multiple times, which would register multiple views). Those visitor counts will also typically lag a little behind the views count, as a view is reported within five minutes, but it can take up to two hours for new visitors to show up in your stats.

    If you ever feel like your built-in Stats and Insights aren’t getting you the level of detail you need, our WordPress.com Premium Plan allows you to integrate Google Analytics tracking right into your site! This integration complements your quick-look Jetpack Stats with advanced features like funnel reports to help track the path visitors take through your site, and goal conversion to help you measure how visitors complete specific tasks (such as reaching a product page or contact form).

    Check out how to set up Google Analytics on any Premium Plan site here:

    Google Analytics
    5 min read
    Google Analytics is a great tool for tracking traffic to your site. This guide will show you how to connect your site to Google Analytics. This feature is available on sites with our WordPress.com Premium, Business, and Commerce plans. If your site has one of our legacy plans, it is available on the Pro plan. Jetpack Stats vs Google Analytics Jetpack Stats WordPress.com has built

    Hope this helps!

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