Using WP through BlueHost – Do I have an account login?!

  • I am using WP through Bluehost. I can use WP through my account there, but I can’t login to WP itself because I don’t know a username or password. It says that my email is not associated with any account. I purchased a theme that I am trying to have set up but they need my WP login to do so. Help?!

  • Hi there, has nothing to do with your site. You created this username account only 21 hours ago, and do not own any sites hosted with us, nor do you have any sites hosted elsewhere connected to this account.

    You are using the open source WordPress software which is made by the community on at Bluehost. That is something completely different from

    When you installed WordPress on Bluehost’s servers, Bluehost should have emailed you the login credentials for the admin account for that site – those credentials are unique to that site, and cannot be used to log into any other site or service. If you did not receive those, please contact Bluehost support for help.

    General support for your version of WordPress is provided by the community at – to post there you’ll first have to register a username account, as neither your account nor your site’s unique admin account can be used to log in there.

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