uploading pics from iphoto

  • Hi –
    I’m new to wordpress, and actually the whole blogging thing, and actually to Mac. So….
    I’m trying to upload pictures from iphoto, and it’s not even letting me click on iphoto (it’s gray, like it’s not an option, you know?). But i notice i can add from my photo booth pictures (a download i have on my mac).
    Any thoughts?

  • My advice with iPhoto is to use the export function, which is either under the Share menu or the File menu, depending on your version of iPhoto. Export the picture as a file to your desktop (i don’t mean use it as the desktop background) and use that file as the one to be uploaded.

    Most of the time i just upload everything to Flickr, which has an iPhoto-friendly uploader.

  • Since you’re new to Mac and WordPress, you might want to read the FAQ entry on the best browsers for use with wordpress.com:

    I’m using Safari and I have problems!

  • You upload pictures from dashboard > write > post. The upload pane is below the post area. You click the browse button and locate the photo you want to upload in the window that pops up and then click the upload button and it is uploaded to wordpress. You are then allowed to “send it to the editor as a thumbnail or as full size. Do be aware that there are limits on the width of the images you can insert into your blog.

    When creating and uploading an image to wordpress.com here are some basics worth remembering:
    (1) Be sure your image is one of these file types – jpg, jpeg, png, gif (Note that bmp’s cannot be uploaded due to size).
    (2) Do not use anything in the file name except letters and numbers. Use no spaces, no dashes, no underscores, or any type of special character or punctuation, except for the dot between the file name and the extension. Also make sure that the file name has an extension.
    (3) If you are not using the image in thumbnail size, make sure that the image is not too wide for the post area in your particular theme. You can find maximum image widths for the most popular themes here: http://faq.wordpress.com/2006/09/25/how-big-can-my-images-be/
    (4) Optimize your images so that your blog pages will load faster. See http://faq.wordpress.com/2006/05/08/optimise-your-images/

  • @judy
    Good catch on the iPhoto export thing. I am adding that to my copy and paste stuff on uploading images.

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