unattached photos in media library

  • I’ve been having a clear out of old images and when I clicked on the ‘unattached’ option from the drop down menu came, loads of my images came up… the thing is, these images are registered as unattached but they’re in posts.

    I cant understand why any images that are in posts are coming up under the unattached option.

    I’m not saying all of the images are attached to a post but I have noticed that there are ones that I know are In posts are coming up under unattached.

    how can I differentiate between images that are in posts and ones that aren’t if there are some showing as unattached that I know are in posts?? …. I hope I’m making sense lol

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,
    I also went and digged into my unattached images to see if I was able to reproduce what you explain. At the beginning I noticed many images that were inserted in posts displaying as unattached, but I’ve realized many of these ones have been uploaded to the media library multiple times and hence only attached once. I deleted the duplicated ones, the ones that appear in “unattached” and the posts remained displaying the original attached images. But be careful with the images you display on your header image or featured images, I deleted one of those in “unattached” and it actually deleted the image from the header :(
    Maybe some other member or volunteer can give us more light into the “unattached”

  • how can I differentiate between images that are in posts and ones that aren’t if there are some showing as unattached that I know are in posts?? …. I hope I’m making sense lol

    Careful — you could still be using the images even if they aren’t “attached” to a specific post. As @carladoria, these were likely uploaded directly to the media library, but if you were uploading them to posts, let us know and we’ll see if we can find out why they aren’t attached for you.

  • Most photos I attached to my group blog are missing from it. What can be going on? The blog is “mtdcultural”

  • @mtdmidia I don’t see evidence of missing images on your site. Since you have a different problem, can you start a new thread? You can use the “modlook” tag to get staff attention if needed.

  • Hello All!
    Sorry for such a long wait in replying, I have been super busy.
    as suggested in the first comment, I wasn’t sure if perhaps I had duplicated the images so I have had to check. There are a few duplicates but there are many images that are within posts that are coming up as unattached.
    I just tried deleting one and then checking the post after deleting it and it came back with one of the little boxes with an ‘X’ inside.

    I’m too scared to delete any duplicates that I can see because I don’t know which one would be included in a post and which ones wouldn’t.

    Alos, Most of the unattached-but-actually-are-in-posts photos were added quite some time ago when I had a different theme. All images that I upload get uploaded while I am creating a post and most of them get used in the post too.

    I want to make sure that I get rid of any images that I am not actually using because I’d like to make sure I am getting the most out of my storage space but I’m frightened to actually delete anything because If I do and then they disappear from a post, I have no way of getting them back.
    I have over 400 posts too, I don’t really fancy having to go back through each and everyone lol

    Thanks for all the help!

  • @flowbeth, sorry didn’t see your response. I’ll contact you privately to resolve this the rest of the way. Thanks!

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