unattached photos in media library not attatching

  • hey, so I’ve posted before about the unattached images and I did get a of help, but, I’m still having trouble attaching photos to posts. I was told that it doesn’t matter if they’re unattached or attached, as long as they’re showing up within a post.

    I really would like to attach these images to their posts though!
    I’m trying to filter through my media library, attaching photos to posts they should be attached to, some are attaching, some aren’t, even after going through the process of searching the photo name, finding the post, checking which images are included and then going back to my media to attach them. They’re not attaching, even though I’ve clicked (told) them to attach to a post.

    I have 47 or so pages of images and 17 of them are of unattached images, I want to find out which images are used and which aren’t so that I can delete the ones that aren’t attached. I know I could leave them unattached and just continue my search but why are they not attaching?
    Surly they should attach if I’ve told them too? That would really make my life a lot easier.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • UPDATE: I just found a duplicate image… double checked both image titles and they both linked to one post, I deleted one of them, now the image has been removed from the post!

    I attached the second image to the same post (since it linked me there anyway!) and it’s not attaching!

    I really cant make sense of this! Why is it so difficult for WordPress to make things simple!?

  • Hi again @flowbeth, sorry this is still giving you so much trouble! Usually the images attach automatically.

    I think we had an email thread going on this, so I’ll reply there for more details.

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