Unable to view site

  • Hi
    I need help with the redirect of the domain. despite setting everything up it does not seem to be showing up on the domain quantumchange.life as the primary site address for my WordPress.com site, quantumchangelife.wordpress.com

    When I checked with the domain hosting company they checked and said the “nameservers you are using are not propagating, hence your website services are not working”.

    I am also unable to see any images in my media library or pages that I am currently trying to edit. I am sure this is not a browser issue as I own 2 sites and when I load the other site all images appear and am able to work with new and old images. Kindly respond with some guidance on getting the site to work as I need to launch my page. Thanks

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The WordPress.com site quantumchangelife.wordpress.com redirects to quantumchange.life. Please see this image for your reference: https://d.pr/i/PzYQc4.

    The quantumchange.life is not hosted here. Please see this link for details: https://wordpress.com/site-profiler/quantumchange.life.

    If you are planning to use the quantumchange.life domain as the primary address of the WordPresss.com site quantumchangelife.wordpress.com, you can do the following:

    1. Connect the quantumchange.life domain by following the steps from this guide.
      • Please ensure the domain’s DNS contains WordPress.com nameservers and no other DNS records pointing to the domain’s root.
    2. Upgrade the WordPresss.com site quantumchangelife.wordpress.com to a Paid Plan from “Upgrades > Plans: https://wordpress.com/plans
    3. Set the quantumchange.life domain as the site’s primary address by following the steps in this guide.

    Please Note: The DNS changes typically take up to 72 hours to update fully.

  • Hi,

    I have already paid for the redirect, how does converting to a paid plan then help – that is twice the payment for the same job. Then that is the first thing I should have been given as an option when it prompted me to redirect. Kindly then let me know how to get the refund for the redirect that I have already paid for. Thanks

  • Hello! Could you please clarify for me once where you want the domain name ‘quantumchange.life’ to take people to?

    For example, do you want it to send people to a WordPress.com site, or do you have a site hosted elsewhere that you want this domain name to load?

  • I have created the website on WordPress. My wordpress site is quantumchangelife.wordpress.com and I want to redirect it to quantumchange.life. I want that to be the landing URL/Domain to find the content.

  • Thanks for clarifying. To connect your domain quantumchange.life to your site quantumchangelife.wordpress.com, a paid plan is required. The “Site Redirect” you currently have set up is for when you want to send traffic from a .wordpress.com site address (and all your permalinks) to another site elsewhere. Here’s more about Site Redirect: https://wordpress.com/support/site-redirect/

    Like my colleague mentioned above, you can upgrade the WordPresss.com site quantumchangelife.wordpress.com to a paid plan from Upgrades > Plans, and then connect the quantumchange.life domain by following the steps from this guide.

    Reply to Unable to view site