unable to transfer site to new person

  • I want to transfer https://ldnmagazine.com/ to another person. However, the transfer blog option doesn’t appear. How can I transfer it? Thanks!

    The blog I need help with is: https://ldnmagazine.com/

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, in order to transfer you will need to be sure to invite the new owner as an administrator on your site first.

    Invite People to Your Site
    3 min read
    This guide will explain how you can invite others to work on your website and grant different levels of permission depending on what you want the person to be able to do. Add Users to Your Site Instead of giving someone your username and password (which would be a security risk), you can invite them to create their own user account on your site, becoming part of your “Team.” To view y

    Once they have accepted the invite and are an admin on your site, you can complete the transfer as follows:

    I also noticed that the Premium Plan on your site is expired, and that piece is important as it allows the site to have a custom address. Free sites on WordPress.com (without a plan upgrade) must use the WordPress.com address. With this in mind you may also wish to renew your plan prior to transfer.

    You can also direct the new site owner to purchase the Premium plan under their account, which can be done by clicking the button here:

    Hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any more questions.

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