Unable to obtain MYSITE.wordpress.com subdomains

  • Most recently I’m getting .wordpress.com on each test even after filling out the questionnaire. A couple of days ago I was getting .home.blog even after not filling out the questionnaire and just clicking the Continue button. Maybe my browser settings are a factor.

  • @musicdoc1, or, A/B tests, or session cookies, or a number of things.

    If you’ll start in a fresh browser and not select “blog” you should be offered the option to register a wordpress.com address.

    Or, you can go to https://music.blog and register a free subdomain there.

  • @supernovia,

    A/B tests, or session cookies, or a number of things.

    I’ve never done A/B tests, and I’ve proven that session cookies are not the issue by clearing the browser cache, cookies, history, etc., even resetting my modem and rebooting from scratch.

    and not select “blog”

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen that option via Create a Site. That is, I’ll see either .blog or .wordpress.com, but never one or the other at the same time.

    Or, you can go to https://music.blog and register a free subdomain there.

    Thanks again, but that’s really not an option for me presently and doesn’t address the issues I’ve described.

  • @themagicrobot,

    No worries. Thanks for you help!

  • @supernovia,

    I’ve expressed no interest here in creating a site about music, or any other specific topic. I may not want my site address to refer at all to what the topic is about. There may not be a single or overriding site topic.

  • Looks like I missed some posts in between.

    So in a nutshell the main question might become, in the future, why are not all of the options simultaneously available Create a site. including .wordpress.com and the dozens of dotblog options?

    Thanks for the suggestion. My guess is marketing. Too many options turns people off to proceeding. Know your suggestion is noted.

  • You’re welcome. : -)

    I’m resigned to the likelihood that the issue regarding .blog and .wordpress options appearing inconsistently in my tests is a result of my browser settings. I do have some other issues that I know are caused by these browser settings as well, which I’ve learned to live with. Session cookies might have been a factor in a couple of tests, but I don’t think that’s a major factor. I may adjust the browser settings temporarily to see if that affects the results.

  • Thanks. Let us know what you find.

  • I will.

    I’m resigned to the likelihood that the issue regarding .blog and .wordpress options appearing inconsistently in my tests is a result of my browser settings.

    But even so, it doesn’t seem right that it’s a mystery as to which one will appear to all except those who’ve somehow found the right needle of response from staff in the forest of support forums. I searched and found not a single topic where

    Staff have said previously that clicking the Continue button on the first step at https://wordpress.com/start/about without filling out the questionnaire or ticking any of the check boxes should bring up a free .wordpress.com address option.

  • I’m sure I could find one now that I know what to look for. Before I started this topic I’d been searching more generally for any explanation in the support pages, support forums, and elsewhere as to how to avoid the .blog subdomain and obtain a .wordpress.com subdomain instead, and came up empty.

  • @justjennifer


    bring me to


    And there is no way of not selecting an option. There is no continue button.

  • Hi @viviancoldwater , it looks like the suggestion from Staff that I mentioned in my earlier reply in this thread is no longer relevant as there’s been a change to the create a site page which eliminated that Continue button and/or WordPressdotcom is doing some A/B testing. :/ (screenshot)

    Unless Staff can offer a different option to the current site creation process, I don’t have any solution.

  • One other way to register a new site address is to type the address of the site you want in your browser’s address bar and if that address is available you will be given the option to register it.

    Hope that helps.

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