Unable to edit Success Message for my Subscribe Block

  • Hi there,

    I have a Subscribe Block in my Sidebar. At the time I added it I was able to edit the Success Message.

    Now later on, I would like to edit it again. But try as I might, I cannot find where to do this. The way it appears in the Subscribe Block support page https://wordpress.com/support/wordpress-editor/blocks/subscribe-block/https://wordpress.com/support/wordpress-editor/blocks/subscribe-block/ is not how it is appearing for me.

    Can someone please help me? I am using an old theme, could the issue be related to that?

    Thanks so much,

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @daveunderwood1, I did some digging and found the success message setting was recently removed on some sites because of differences in the way some of our hosting environments handle form submissions. The support document you shared will be updated shortly.

    In the meantime, sites that allow plugins (Business and Pro, or self-managed sites with other hosts) won’t be affected by this issue.

    I hope this helps!

  • Hi @supernovia,

    Thank you for getting back to me.

    I can understand why this is happening now. I am on the Personal plan.

    I just have one more question:

    What am I supposed to do now with the custom success message that is set for my Subscribe Block? I need to change it.

    (One option I am considering is removing the block and adding it again as I think the default messages will be better than the custom messages I’ve currently got set up.)

    Thanks so much,

  • Hi there,

    As @supernovia explained, the option to customize that message has been removed, so it’s not possible to change it anymore.

    Re-adding the block as you suggested will do the trick.

  • Ok thank you very much

  • Hi there,

    Can I please ask a follow-up question?

    I tried to subscribe to my own blog at oblivionwithbells.com using an alternative email address of mine via the live Subscribe Block in my sidebar. After I had entered my email address and I clicked the subscribe button I was taken to subscribe.WordPress.com and shown the message ‘Your subscription did not succeed, please try again with a valid email address’.

    Does this mean people can only subscribe to my WordPress.com blog if the email address they used to do that has already been used to set up a WordPress.com account?

    Thanks so much,

  • Hi there,

    Does this mean people can only subscribe to my WordPress.com blog if the email address they used to do that has already been used to set up a WordPress.com account?

    People should be able to subscribe to your site whether they have a WordPress.com account or not.

    I see the error you are referring to:

    I want to see if you can test this again with another email address to see if you receive the same message. I think this may have been a fluke error that may not happen again if you try. Also, I’d recommend clearing the cache/cookies before trying it again. You could also try from a different browser or device.

    Here is a support page that can walk you through that:

    Solve Common Browser Issues

    Let me know if you’re able to do that and what the results are. I’d be happy to help out from there.


  • Hi @staff-doublebassd,

    Thank you for getting back to me.

    I think I’ve been able to isolate the error I am getting with the Subscribe Block on my Sidebar. It only seems to happen if I am logged into WordPress.com in that browser.

    Is that working as intended do you think?


  • I think I’ve been able to isolate the error I am getting with the Subscribe Block on my Sidebar. It only seems to happen if I am logged into WordPress.com in that browser.

    Yes, that’s correct, and sorry we didn’t clarify that earlier.

    If you’re logged into a WordPress.com account and sign up to follow a blog using a different email address than the one you’re logged into, the verification link will fail since the email addresses won’t match. You would just need to open those links in an incognito window or in a browser where you’re not logged in. This is how the process is supposed to work, so it’s not a bug.

    I hope that clarifies things!

  • Ok thanks @staff-heroponriki, I understand now. Thanks for clearing that up.

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