Unable to claim my blog in Bloglovin

  • Hi there,

    I am having some troubles claiming my blog on Bloglovin. I added my blog, however when I try to claim it (after inserting the link and following the steps etc.) it just says

    ‘We couldn’t find the link on your blog.
    Are you sure you published a new post with the link?
    How to claim your blog’

    I tried this with a few blog posts, it’s always the same message.

    The blog is http://diffgraff.wordpress.com

    Any help is appreciated

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I’m having the same issue. The link at the top of the post, but I’m unable to claim the blog, either through my profile, or through clicking the “Is this your blog?” button. I’ve tried putting the code at the top of the post, as well as in the post title.

  • I have now contacted Bloglovin support and they have now manually approved it!

    All very strange!

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