Unable to access blogs hosted at wordpress.com sites from mobile (India)

  • I don’t know whether this is the right place to post this but after failing to find a solution from all places I am posting this one here.

    I am unable to access any blogs hosted at wordpress.com from my mobile (HTC One X. Android with Vodafone 2G/3G connection, Mumbai, India). Basically any website with address as “*******.wordpress.com” is simply inaccessible to me from mobile – either from browser or WordPress app for Android. I called up the Vodafone service center but they said they haven’t blocked any site so it might be some other issue.

    I downloaded a utility Ping & DNS on my phone and tried to ping the address of my blog and it gave me this message

    PING lb.wordpress.com (<SOME IP>) <SOME NUMBER> bytes of data
    From <SOME OTHER IP> icmp_sep=1
    Destination port unreachable

    Can some one clarify if this is an issue with Vodafone or some other issue?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    It looks to be an issue with your provider. Are you still experiencing this?

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