Two or more images per post

  • I’m useless with code, so bear with me… Is there a way to add two or more images to a post and have them display side by side instead of one beneath the other?

  • Have you taken note of these instructions found in the support documentation?

    Align Images With Text

  • Excuse me for piggy-backing on this question but I’m wrestling with a related issue. Yes, it’s quite easy to upload two images and have them side by side. When I add further text below them, however, WordPress winds up placing some of this text between the two images. How can I keep the next text all below the images?

  • We can’t answer any questions without a link to the blog you’re talking about, starting with http. The answer depends on the theme and the individual blog.


    The problem I’m asking about doesn’t show up on my blog. Although there are two images side by side for the November 22 entry I somehow managed to eliminate any text between them but I don’t remember how I did it. The problem has arisen from time to time, and today when I was trying to put two images side by side and then have text beneath them. So far it’s still in draft because I can’t get tht text to stay below the images. No matter what I’ve tried in terms of image sizes I still wind up with text between the two images

  • You need coding for tables (in the html post editor). In its simplest form it would be:

    <table border="0">

    Various additions are possible, e.g. for centering or for more space between the images.

    You’ve got several problems in previous posts too. Without table coding it’s impossible to manage combinations of text plus images successfully in a flexible-width theme.

  • …<td><img src=“image_url” /></td>

  • I inserted this

    <table border=”0″>
    <td><img src=”” alt=”” /></td>
    <td><img src=”” alt=”” /></td>

    It worked fine. Small gap between images.

    I also inserted this

    <img src=”” alt=”” /><img src=”” alt=”” />

    It worked fine. There was no gap between images.

    I’ve never had any problems putting two images side by side in a post. I insert a picture, then another, sometimes they are on different lines. When that happens I grab the second one with the mouse and relocate. Or I might have to go to the Html Editor and cut and paste.


  • Another solution is to make one image out of the two if you have the software to do it.
    Open an image, double the width while keeping the original on one side of the “canvas”, then paste the second image in and flatten it.
    That’s how I do it in Photoshop, and I imagine it would work in any other editing software that has layers. My most recent post “making an ass…” shows it done like that.

  • Thanks to all for the suggestions. On the draft, using the “img src” code seems to work fine. I don’t spend much time with HTML so, although I’ve used that kind of thing in my pbase galleries, it would not have occurred to me to try ti here. Also, to gillpj, thanks for that suggestion which was on my list of fall backs but I was trying to avoid that extra processing in Photoshop.

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