Twitter topic search like on the Huffington Post

  • I want to add a twitter widget to my wordpress blog that is similar to what they have on the Huffington Post website, if you want to see what I am talking about the twitter widget is usually at the bottom of all the news stories. Basically what I want is a twitter widget where I can say what I want it to display search results for, so for example if I want to talk about the show lost I will set it to search for lost and it will also display real time updates as people use the term lost in their tweets. If I have not described it that well just go to the Huffington Post website click on a news story and scroll down to the bottom and you will see what I mean.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You could create a search and then subscribe to the feed for that search or hashtag. Then you’d put that in an RSS widget.

  • I am not sure how to do that I can’t find any rss feed associated with a test search I have made all rss feeds my firefox browsers displays available are my tweets and things like that but not for search terms.

  • You can do an RSS feed for a hashtag, though.

  • nope can not find any rss feed associated with has tags I tried #hcr and found a bunch of posts but when clicked on the rss icon in my url bar I found 3 feeds

    Subscribe to timeline
    and favs

    none associated with the hash where are you finding that rss feed?

  • Hmm, you’re right. Twitter needs to fix that. I guess it’s not possible on

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