Twenty Twelve menu problem

  • @staff-blorbo

    I have a custom menu. With TwentyTwelve + IE 8, my custom menu is replaced with a mobile menu button, with an unstructured page list pulldown.

  • If you’re referring to the three pages do appear under the menu button.

    What I meant by “adding some structure” is that you could create menu items and sub-menu items, especially if you had “a site with a lot of pages,” as you had mentioned. It isn’t really necessary on a site with only three pages, where one of those is already the Home page.


  • Thanks for checking that, but I was referring to another site which has around 50+ pages, navigated through a custom menu with six top-level links.

    With IE 8, the custom menu is gone, and the “menu” pull-down lists all 50+ pages, slightly indented to indicate page hierarchy.

  • 50 menu items would be a mess on any mobile theme, but I can understand the concern with it on IE 8 too.

    Just a friendly recommendation, for the sake of mobile viewers (who are now scrolling through 50 items to get to your content), you might want to consider shortening that menu a bit.

  • Or, try a responsive theme which preserves the drop-down menu structure, like Twenty Eleven, though this won’t work properly on all touch devices.

  • I have to clarify that I have a menu that works fine on mobile devices, with other themes.

    But you make a very relevant point . This isn’t just an IE issue. On any small screen, Twenty Twelve ignores my menus and simply list all the pages.

    Is there any way to customize the mobile menu with Twenty Twelve? If there isn’t, it can’t really be used on any site with more than a few pages.

  • Not as far as I can tell, but Twenty Twelve is an open source theme developed by volunteers, and they’re always looking for improvements and such.

    I made note of the request yesterday, but can’t guarantee that anything will be done.

  • Thank you for your time on this.

    I don’t want to seem ungrateful to the developers. Quite the opposite — I love this theme and want to use it everywhere! Unfortunately I don’t think it can be used everywhere. So it goes.

  • Thanks for the replies everyone. Shortly after posting this I went away for a little while so haven’t had chance to post.

    Twenty Twelve is a great theme but it really is let down by this. Could this mobile menu button not be disabled? I’ve not seen a button like this on any other theme and I really don’t like it, it looks awful. Surely we should get an option to toggle this menu button on or off?

  • Not as far as I can tell, but Twenty Twelve is an open source theme developed by volunteers, and they’re always looking for improvements and such.

    I made note of the request yesterday, but can’t guarantee that anything will be done.

    Any way we can find out if it’s being considered? This theme really needs the ability to customise or disable the mobile menu. It would be good to know if there are plans to make these changes.

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