twenty ten theme – drop down menus?

  • ok. so I understand that 2010 is a new theme but I for the life of me cannot figure out how to enable the drop down menus from the header.

    anyone using 2010 who knows how it works?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Two ways:

    1. Make the pages you want in dropdowns a “child” of the page you want them to apprear under. (It’s in the attributes module in the page editor.)

    2. Make a custom menu using the new custom menu feature and arrange your pages as you want them: .

  • When I do this, the header menu and its drop down menus do not appear in the header.
    How do I get them into the header area as a horizontal navigation?
    I can put it in the sidebar, but there seems to be no way to get them in the header area. It was there when I first activated 2010, and I deleted it and now I’d like it back, but nothing I do makes any difference.

  • Susan
    The normal function of the theme is to display the tabs for static pages you create as parent pages and their “child” pages as dropdowns from them in the top navigation menu. If ALL you want in that navigation is static pages and their child pages then simply create static pages and designate the “child” pages under a parent page in the Attributes box ? (look to the right to find the Attributes box).

    The other alternative if you wish to include categories, linsk, etc. in the top navigation menut is to creat a custom menu. The instructions are found at the link TSP provided. This article may also help

  • I’m sorry, I feel that I am way ahead yet in the dark. I created a custom menu using staic pages, created parent pages and child pages, and nothing is visible in the header area. Am using the 2010 theme.

    Is there a way I can reactivate the Twenty Ten theme? To get back to the original template. I’m sure I screwed this oen up when I deleted the original top navigation menu.

  • Is this the blog you mean? If so it’s already waering the Twenty Ten theme. If you did create a custom meny and saved it then it will be here >

    Go here left menu
    > Dashboard > Menus
    There you will see:

    To create a custom menu, give it a name above and click Create Menu. Then choose items like pages, categories or custom links from the left column to add to this menu.

    After you have added your items, drag and drop to put them in the order you want. You can also click each item to reveal additional configuration options.

    When you have finished building your custom menu, make sure you click the Save Menu button.

    If you did not “save” the custom menu then you will have to create another one by clicking the “create menu” button.

    I hope this helps.

  • No, I’m sorry. You are telling me things I’ve done over and over to try to fix this thing. What I am trying to say is that the menu does not appear in the header as it should. After I’ve done all those things, the menu does not show up. There is nothing.
    Please tell me how to make it visible. I’ve created the menu, and I need to make it visible. I’ve saved all the changes, but it still is not showing up.

  • what am I supposed to put in the Link Relationshio (XFN) field?

  • I’m so sorry what I posted was not helpful. Vounteers do not have backend access to blogs only Staff do. Please contact Staff directly by using this link

  • Susan, looks like you’re hiding the menu with Custom CSS.

    #access .menu-header, {
    display:none; <------- this hides it

  • *** head desk ***
    Thank you Lance. :)

  • I have the same problem. Can you explain how you fix it in Custom CSS?

  • @catherinelewis22 – Do you have the Custom CSS upgrade?

  • hmmm….where to find it (if I do?)

  • Here is my major aim: to create menus that are a catch-all for different posts in chronological order. For instance, I want to make a tab entitled “Jetsetter” where all the posts categorized under “the wonderful world of travel” will show in chronological order. Is that possible with Twenty Ten theme? The theme Enterprise does it automatically…but I don’t like the overall aesthetics of this theme.

    As for the other problem described above…it’s still not showing up in my horizontal navigation and I’ve tried it several times.

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