Twenty seventeen menu placement

  • Hello,

    I need to know if there is a way to make the twenty seventeen menu not appear at the bottom of the landing page and follow the user while scrolling and instead have it at the top of the page and stay there and not follow?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there – I checked out the site at and noticed it’s on the Business plan here at

    I’d like to do two things here. First, I would like to try to provide a solution to your question. Then, I’d like to direct you to the priority support we make available for Business plan site owners so that you can get more timely answers to your questions about

    1. Below is a CSS solution for the Twenty Seventeen theme to stick the menu at the top of the home page and have it follow as you scroll down. Once that theme is active on a site with a Premium or higher plan, you would go to Customize > Additional CSS and apply the following solution:

    /*Site Menu - stick at top of home*/
    @media screen and (min-width: 48em) {
    	.home .navigation-top {
    		bottom: auto;
    		top: 0;
    		position: fixed;

    Here’s an example of how it should look once it it’s in place:

    2. Because your site is on a Business plan, you can get priority help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from Happiness Engineers on solutions like these and more.

    You can reach that help by clicking on the question mark in the lower right corner of your browser window while you are logged into your site admin, then click on “Contact us” to start a chat.

    Or you can reach them directly by going here:

  • Thank you,

    The menu is now at the top, But what if I want it to NOT be sticky and follow the user down? Just a simple stay at the top menu? And also anyway to increase the height/size of the menu?


  • Also one more thing. When I am trying out this menu change on several pages the menu fix you provided is only working on the landingpage and not on ALL pages as I would want.

  • Hi there,

    I see that you have a Business plan and therefore you have access to our live chat support. Please start a chat session from the link below and we’ll help you resolve the issue you’re having in real-time.


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