Try and customize button is gone

  • The “Try and customize” button that was inside the “Live demo” in the new themes is gone. It is essential for testing a theme.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for bringing this up; I’ll share your concern with the team responsible, although I’d imagine that with FSE, the Try&Customize option makes less sense.

  • I really can’t understand when someone says that FSE replaces “Try & Customize”, as the latter is used before activating a theme, and the former is only possible after activating it.

  • I don’t feel safe switching themes without first seeing how my content looks on it and exploring its customization possibilities.

  • Plus: how am I going to spend money, buying a premium theme, without testing it first?

  • Howdy @radtrad

    I really can’t understand when someone says that FSE replaces “Try & Customize”, as the latter is used before activating a theme, and the former is only possible after activating it.

    To clarify, block-based themes (which use FSE for customization) do not have a “try and customize” option, because that option only works for themes that use the customizer to manage theme settings.

    For the time being the only way to try a block-based theme is to actually activate it on one of your sites.

    I don’t feel safe switching themes without first seeing how my content looks on it and exploring its customization possibilities…. Plus: how am I going to spend money, buying a premium theme, without testing it first?

    Because FSE is still in beta, it’s recommended that you use it on a test site (at least until you are familiar with the site editor tools) rather than a production site. If you wish you can purchase any premium theme and if you like it staff can help you move it from a test site to your preferred live site.

    Also our premium themes are refundable within 14 days of purchase, so if you try a theme and it doesn’t work out then you can always get your money back within that time period.

    Did you have any questions about a specific theme? I did not see you mention one by name but we’re happy to address those for you. Thanks!

  • Thanks, Jerry.

    I would like to know if there is any proposal to bring a feature like “Try & Customize” to block themes?

  • Did you have any questions about a specific theme?

    Yes. I would like to know if the Videomaker theme has the “infinite scroll” feature.

  • Can we find widget areas in the Videomaker theme? And about color patterns, which ones are available?

  • I would like to know if there is any proposal to bring a feature like “Try & Customize” to block themes?

    We’ve reported it to our developers, but it looks like this will ultimately need to come from WordPress Core before we’ll be able to offer it here.

    However, you can still use the Live Preview function in the WP-Admin version of the theme showcase to get an idea what your content will look like in the theme.

    Yes. I would like to know if the Videomaker theme has the “infinite scroll” feature.

    If you use a regular blog page, Videomaker uses pagination on the post page to load older posts, not auto-loading infinite scroll.

    Can we find widget areas in the Videomaker theme?

    Traditional widget areas no longer exist in block-based themes. But you can create a widget area to pages by editing the default Page template in the site editor, and using a columns block to divide the page into different columns for content and widgets respectively.

    So far the only block-based theme we have that has the page template set up like this by default is Stewart:

    You can activate Stewart and open the site editor to see how it does this. You can then try to modify another theme, for example Videomaker, to do the same. But if a widget area is important to you, I’d rather start with Stewart and tweak it to look more like what you want, or else start with Blank Canvas and create your own design from scratch. Starting with Videomaker and making a major modification like adding a widget area is likely to be much more complicated than either of the other two options.

    And about color patterns, which ones are available?

    Videomaker does have some color palettes. You can see them in the Customizer if you use the Preview option in WP-Admin as I described above. But you can control the colors of every block in the various templates that offers that section directly in the site editor, and those customizations should get applied across your site.

  • Thank you very much! Just one more question: in these new themes, in the page with the posts, how can I make them show fully, and not just an excerpt.

  • However, you can still use the Live Preview function in the WP-Admin version of the theme showcase to get an idea what your content will look like in the theme.

    I think this could be added to the standard version until an optimal solution is found (obviously with some kind of warning, in the case of new themes, that it doesn’t show their full potential).

  • in the page with the posts, how can I make them show fully, and not just an excerpt.

    Go to Appearance ->Editor to open the site editor. At the very top center it will likely say “Page”. Click that, click Browse all templates, and select the Index template. That’s the template used for the Posts page.

    The simplest way to modify templates is to have the block tree view open, so expand that, and look for the Post Excerpt block. Remove that, and replace it with the Post Content block, and the posts page should show full posts instead.

    I think this could be added to the standard version until an optimal solution is found (obviously with some kind of warning, in the case of new themes, that it doesn’t show their full potential).

    It’s apparently not that simple, but the team responsible for the theme showcase is aware of the issue and looking into it :)

  • I’m still confused. In December, as I was looking for a new theme, I was able to use “Try & Customize” to preview “Twenty Twenty-One” and others. Now that option has disappeared.

    Is it because the theme I am now using (Resonar) is block-based, whereas in December the theme I had in place was not block-based?

    Regardless, I urge WP to find a way for us to “Try & Customize” all themes. No one with any WP experience is going to activate a new theme without first previewing it. I’ve done that by accident several times, and the results were a mess. You either can’t revert to the previous theme because it’s been discontinued, or you can revert but page elements, particularly widgets, will be all over the place and one can spend hours trying to restore the original presentation.

    I say this after more than 15 years on WP with more than 3,000 posts in place.

  • Hi @windwhistle,

    Is it because the theme I am now using (Resonar) is block-based, whereas in December the theme I had in place was not block-based?

    That is correct. New Block Theme sites will not have the customizer while
    new Universal themes will have the Customizer. Also, sites that did have the customizer from a Universal theme will still have it when switching to a Block theme.

    Between Global Styles and Template Editing, they provide the same functionality (and more) as the Customizer.

    We would love to further assist you if you have additional questions, but in order to keep threads on topic and prevent the OP from receiving email notifications, I wanted to see if you could create a new post?:

    Feel free to add the modlook tag to the thread so staff can respond immediately.


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