Trouble exporting my website!!!

  • I follow all the steps but when I press export website nothing happens, you can see it thinking for awhile and then it comes up with that stupid error message.

    I really need to export my website so I can move it to my new host

    Anyone got any help? I can’t get an answer out of wordpress :(

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Thanks for getting a hold of us! I wasn’t able to export your site either, however I’ve reached out to one of our developers who is looking into the issue now. As soon as I have any additional information for you I will let you know!

  • Hiya!

    OK, you should be all set! There was a bit of a glitch in the system which was causing the exporter to be stuck in a bit of a loop, but it is cleared now and you should be good to go.

    Let me know if you run in to any more problems!

  • Thanks so much for your help, I managed to get it to download.

    Now I’m having a little trouble getting it to upload onto my self hosted site. I’ve imported it and then clicked the other option to import the image files or whatever, then you can see it thinking for awhile and then it it goes to a page saying the posts will be attributed to another user for like 100 lines, and then the page is just static and does nothing.

    So I clicked out of it and went to posts- none of the posts have been uploaded, and there are about 90 images in my media library (should be over 3000)

    Is there something wrong with the file?

  • Hiya,

    I’m so sorry that it’s taken me a while to get back to you. I’ve been out sick with a really nasty case of the flu.

    Are you still having issues with getting your blog to import into your site? Let me know if there are problems!

  • Hi

    I am sure! I’ve gotten all of the content to upload etc, but there are only 63 images in the new media library and the original website has over 3000 in it…

  • The only real suggestion I have is to run the importer again. It should be smart enough to not double up your posts and should only go and fetch your images for you.

    You know, your installation may be running in to some troubles on your new hosting account with not having enough memory allocated to complete the process, especially if you have a huge amount of files. You can try breaking the process up into batches by only doing a few months of posts at a time, that way it is only trying to import a few hundred images at a time rather than 3000 at a go.

  • I’ve run it about a dozen times with no improvements. My hosting plan gives me

    LiteSpeed Web Server
    powered by CloudLinux
    Unlimited traffic
    Unlimited disk space
    Unlimited mailboxes
    Spam & virus filtering
    Perl / PHP5 / MySQL
    99.5% Uptime SLA

    So it shouldn’t be a problem.

    Are you able to refer this onto another WordPress support person please? I have a web development company who has taken over this task for me and is trying to charge me an arm and a leg saying XML files don’t include images and they want to download and upload them individually one by one, which is BS as you and I both know…

    Would really appreciate to see if another WP support person has a solution… :)

  • Hi there,

    The support site has some tips for importing your content here:

    In particular, you might want to check your new host’s PHP memory limit. (This is different from your site’s bandwidth and disk space mentioned in your hosting plan.) If you have access to the php.ini file, you can manually increase the limit. You could also contact your website host for assistance with that — they may be able to increase the PHP memory limit or help with your import.

    If that isn’t possible, you may need to break up the XML file into smaller chunks. You could try exporting your posts from in small chunks, so that each piece can be imported into your new site separately. That will help your images transfer properly to the new site.

    You may also want to check in the support forums to see if anyone there has additional advice for dealing with this issue.

    Please let me know if I can provide any further help with this. :)

  • is there any chance you can export/migrate my subscribers over from to

  • Sure thing! I transferred your followers to your new blog at, as requested.

    Your email followers will continue to receive email updates, and your followers will continue to see your new posts in the Reader. If your followers would like to receive email updates, as well, they can subscribe via email on your new blog.

    Please let me know if you have any questions about that!

  • Thankyou so much

    I am trying to transfer my domain name to my new hosting service, but I cannot find an option to do so from within my dashboard?

    How do I contact wordpress to be able to transfer my domain name to another registrar?

  • Hi there,

    You can transfer your domain name by following this guide: Transfer a Domain to Another Registrar

    Please let me know if you’d like any further help with that process. :)

  • Thanks for that

    I’ve done all of the steps but am having trouble with the final step where you can bypass the 5 day waiting period by going to “pending transfers” and selecting “accept”

    I cant find the pending transfers button/area?

  • Hi there,

    Sorry about that — our domain registrar just made some changes to the domain manager’s layout. In the upper left, if you click the Domains tab, you can then click on Transfers:

    That takes you to the Pending Transfers page. There, click on Pending Transfers Out:

    Then you can select your domain, click on Accept/Decline, and choose Accept to complete the transfer right away.

    Please let me know if you’d like further help with any of those steps. :)

  • Hi

    I don’t know where you are seeing that? I don’t have any screens that look like that?

    I’m in my dashboard :)

  • Hi there,

    Sorry! Let me take a step back. We have complete instructions for completing the domain transfer (and bypassing the 5-day waiting period) here:

    In the first step, you’ll need to log in to the domain manager. You can do that from Store > Domains in your dashboard, in the Domain Administration section. (This is the same place you had to go to initiate the domain transfer.)

    In the drop down that says “What would you like to do?” you can select “Transfer ownership to another registrar.” Then, click the “Next Step” button and scroll down to the link “Manage Your Domains.” That will take you to the domain manager.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions about that. :)

  • Oh I put another response in here last night but it must not have sent through.

    So I successfully transferred my domain name to my new registrar.

    So my old website was

    I took out a hosting plan under and rebuilt the same website but with some improvements

    Then I transferred domain to my new hosting service

    Then I selected to make the primary domain

    When it all went through, and I visited it showed the new and improved website but all in hyperlinks and the images didnt display and it was just a mess

    Tech support from my hosting service quickly created a path domain for so now when you visit the .com and domains the new and improved website displays perfectly

    They said this is a bandaid solution and that I needed to ask you how to change my primary domain from within wordpress.

    This is because I only want people to ever go to not, and i want to make the URL a redirect to the .com

    Can you please help me? I promise this is the last problem!

  • Is this the correct method?

    Change the WordPress Domain Name for the Primary Domain

    Log in to your WordPress control panel (, where is your domain name).

    Click Settings, and then click General.

    In the WordPress address (URL) and Site address (URL) fields, enter the new domain name or URL you want to use, and then click Save Changes. A 404 page displays.

    Change your hosting account’s primary hosted domain name to the new domain you want to use. For more information, see Changing
    Your Hosting Account’s Domain Name. (I have already done this step)

    Return to your site and log in to your WordPress control panel (, where is your domain name).

    Click Settings, and then click Permalinks.

    Reset your WordPress site’s permalinks.

  • Hi there,

    The support staff in these forums can only help with sites hosted here at — since your domain is now being used with a self-hosted WordPress site, I don’t have the tools and access to help with this domain issue.

    Just to clarify, and are two different entities. You can read more about the differences here: and

    You may find the information you need in the support documentation here:

    If you have any further questions, you can get support and advice for your self-hosted site in the forums here:

    Best of luck! :)

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