Transferring Site From Yahoo Web Hosting To WordPress

  • I’ve had a website on Yahoo Web Hosting for YEARS. Currently, it’s just a holding page that leads to all of my other websites and projects elsewhere. My company, A Girl On The Go, is sort of an umbrella company for all of my other ventures. I want to run my full site on WordPress now and transfer everything from Yahoo. They recently changed hands and the only option I have for upgrading my site is Yahoo Site Builder which is awful and antiquated and I basically want ‘out.’ My main concern is my email. I cannot lose that because it’s my business email. I’m afraid that switching over will somehow screw things up. Is there any way to transfer the site – including the mail server – to WordPress seamlessly? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    Thank you,

  • And BTW, I don’t want to transfer the site and files – just the domain and, most importantly, email.

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