To few words in a post.

  • I was told the other day that all post should be 150 words I have two post published with pictures in the last week that were not that many words. Should I got back and add in words between the pictures as if I am describing the pictures? Or should I forget and just remember 150 words for all post in the future?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Personally (in my humble opinion), I wouldn’t bother to do that. I think adding a description, title, and alternate text to an image is more useful.

  • I don’t know who told you that, but they’re wrong.

    Search engines love text, and the size of blog post that seems to encourage readership best is up to about 200 words, but in a photoblog, that’s counterproductive. Just make sure you use proper keywords and put in all the metadata like alt text etc.

  • That’s what I meant about the words: the blog I run for work often has very few words but the images show up sometimes within hours of a posting.

    By the way, the other conversation is in this thread:

  • I made sure to use the description and the alternate text on all images. So I should not worry about going back and adding in more words at this point just in the future I should do more words? I am so confused now.. I do know photography blogs are different from a regular blog but what I am trying to do with my blog is share ideas and suggestions in between picture post is my plan.

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