Title and Tagline Long, how do I change font size??

  • If I can’t change them, what Templates do you suggest I use to accommodate them?
    Here’s my blog address and here’s my info:


    Creative Internet Retailing
    Internet Retailing for the Events & Creative Industries

    I need to get this uploaded IMMEDIATELY- people waiting for me to leave office to go to show!

    Thank you.

  • Just for reference, you only need to post once. Multiple postings just create more work for the volenteers here trying to helping folks. Would you rather have us answer questions or clean up messes?

    Font size if covered at the FAQ blog linked to at the head of the forums. You can also purchase the CSS upgrade to change the settings. I’d sit there and play with the themes myself to see what works best for you as you’re the only one who can detemine what you like the best. Telling us you need something “IMMEDIATELY” won’t do anything but make us wish you’d learn some manners. You do see the other folks asking for help here in teh forums, right? In the time you wrote those posts, you could have found a theme that you liked.

    And, when you’re done that, I’d go reread the ToS and make sure your content isn’t going to be an issue with it.

    edit: Here’s a link to wordpress paid consultants. If you want folks to drop everything to assist you, may I suggest contacting one of these folks?

  • Sorry for rushing things, I actually didn’t realize someone had answered my request. I’m real new to this. This is my bosses account and he is at a convention and I need to get there too.
    Thank you for helping, I most certainly do understand your position in needing to help many others.


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