Tiled mosaic gallery issues

  • Another day another WordPress problem…another opportunity to learn something new!

    I am finally happy with the two iPhone photo galleries I published.
    They are square images sized 958×958 and in a tiled mosaic gallery they are nice and large.


    Because I like this format I have tried to create another tiled mosaic gallery using photos from my camera that are rectangular. 958 wide. This page is not looking the way I want. The thumbnails are way too small.


    Is there a way I can make this page look like the other page size wise? I want rectangular photos, not square ones but I want them larger, similar to the page with the square photos. Any chance that is doable?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • In principle, how those tiled mosaics will display depends on the aspect ratio of the original images and regardless all will resize to fill up the entire width of your theme’s content posting area.

    So, images sized 958×958 pixels (1:1) in a tiled mosaic will display larger than rectangular images that are 958 pixels only on one side (typically 4:3 and 3:4).

    In your specific case all the images in your portfolio tiled mosaic are landscape. Try introducing a portrait image in that mosaic?

  • Good idea. Definitely seems like that could change it up a bit…I hope!

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