Theme Issue

  • Afternoon,

    I’ve used this theme (Twenty Twelve) since 2020 and just recently (4-5 weeks ago) it’s become a problem. Essentially the spacing between paragraphs and my star rating scheme has been become problematic. On the desktop view, there isn’t sufficient spacing between the banners and text or star rating and text? Can somebody fix this?

    Little OCD so would really prefer not to have to trawl through 200+ articles and manually add spacings even thought I don’t think that’s possible.

    When in editor view, it shows sufficient spacing.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Any help would be appreciated!

  • Hello there,

    Are you referring to the space between the image and star rating as shown here and this spacing between the image and paragraph?
    Please confirm so we can check and assist if there is a way to adjust those spacing, if you are referring to other spacing issues then please share a screenshot so we can take a look.

  • You are correct. That spacing used to be “normal” but now looks silly. On the editor it still looks “normal” too. Thanks

  • It seems like you have found a bug inside of this theme! I tested this on my site and found the same issues. I have gone ahead and reported it so that hopefully there will be a fix soon. We certainly appreciate your patience as we work through our bugs.

    In the meantime, we would usually offer CSS to fix this, but it seems this site is on a free plan that doesn’t offer CSS capabilities. Have you considered upgrading? We could help with this via email. The CSS needed would look like this:

    .entry-content img {
        margin-bottom: 8px;

    Another option would be to add a spacer block after all images. I found that a space of 8px is sufficient. Of course, I also realize that would take a lot of time to implement on a well established site.

    Let us know how you would like to proceed.

  • Hello Pinksnail, thanks for the input. I would really prefer this bug to be fixed more than anything. As if I went through all posts manually adding spaces, I’d fear that the bug would eventually be fixed and I’d have to remove all the spaces! I don’t think I devote enough time into the site to pay for the upgrades, but in the future once I retire maybe :).

  • Totally understandable! I cannot tell you when this will be fixed as it depends on many different factors. However, it is in the right hands for now.

    In the meantime, I added the CSS to your site for you. This now fixes that spacing across the entire site. Once the bug is fixed, we can remove the CSS.


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