The update in the administrative area changed things that it shouldn't – user ad

  • The last update changed a point in the administrative area that I ask to return to the previous configuration: user administration. Through the normal dashboard, until now, we could only delete a user together with all of his content, or assigning that content to someone else; but if this were done by the administrative area, the user could be deleted, but not its content (unless he asked for it, obviously). That option is now gone!

  • Hi there,

    Sounds like this is in reference to the Unified Navigation update:

    If you prefer your navigation to always default to the classic WordPress look, you can navigate to and activate the option called “Dashboard appearance” as illustrated in this screenshot:

    We also cover this in more detail on this support guide page if you’re interested:

    Please note that toggling this setting will also change some of the other links on your navigation menu, but you can always deactivate this option down the road to go back to the new interface.

    Which site are you trying to access the user administration for?

    All the former URL links are active still, so you can add your site address along with /wp-admin/users.php to get to the user admin area.

    Hope that helps.


  • Thanks, the “/wp-admin/users.php” worked.

    Could this third option, remove the member without its content being deleted, which is also used on Automattic’s internal websites, be added to the options accessed normally?

  • I’m not sure what you mean by that. That option already exists when you remove a user from a site:

  • No, it does not exist in this dashboard.

    As the linked text said, you can only remove the user and assign its content to someone else, or remove the user and delete all of its content.

    When we remove a user in the administrative area, he is deleted from the site, but his content remains and is attributed to himself.

  • This is what happens when an Automattic’s former employee content continues to be attributed to him, in an internal P2, even when he no longer has access to that site.

  • It would be interesting if you to take a look here:

    Deleting Users from My P2

  • Hello there,

    I see what you mean – there is disparity there between wp-admin view and the new navigation.

    Just to check, is the end goal to delete the user but maintain that content under the users name?

    Many thanks in advance.

  • Yes, this is very important for sites using P2, community journalism sites or or educational websites.

    For example, I teacher and, due to the pandemic, I am having to teach my course online. One of the tools I use with my students is a private website, where we discuss issues raised during classes.. One of the students, for personal reasons, could not continue this semester and had to leave. With the help of the administrative area, I was able to remove him from the site, but keep what he had written, because, in addition to being important things, other students donated time debating.

    We can do this with the solution of @staff-doublebassd, but the ideal would be to have the three options together.


  • *I teacher = I´m a teacher

  • The additional details are helpful. It makes sense why you would like to see the option to delete the user while also keeping the user’s content contributions.

    For starters, an issue has been opened in Github to look into this further specifically for the P2 product.

    As for a solution with the current environment, we can think of a couple:

    1. Create a generic user on the P2 who would always assume the content attribution should another user need to leave the organization. Not perfect, but would work.

    2. Manually enter SITE-URL/wp-admin/users.php of your P2, click on “remove” for the user you need to remove. This should remove the user but preserve the content.

    Might those work for you for now?

  • Yes, we had already thought about this solution over there ;) See:

    Deleting Users from My P2


  • the restored Classic Editor works for me except I cannot go and check stats on an older post.

    I select the post and select the stats icon and the page that shows is an error page saying I d not have permission. The error page url ends with page=stats&view=post&post=1504

  • @flyingcuttlefish rather than post into a forum thread that has marked as resolved, please post this to the Unified Navigation thread or start your own forum thread at Thanks.

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