The Morning After: Misaligned headr / search menu… CSS bug?

  • The Morning After: Misaligned headr / search menu… CSS bug? Need help, PLEASE

    Before my original (last week) query dropped mysteriously from the WordPress forums last week, thesacredpath said this:

    “I’ll tag this for staff attention… since they need to make an adjustment to the left margin on #header #search_menu. I’m not sure what caused that to blow up, but it seems to be an issue with the original CSS.”

    I won’t even try to describe the problem in detail again, other than to ask: please have a look at the top of my home page.

    The title and the search menu are totally out of alignment!

    I would be most grateful for assistance with this, because it looks bloody awful as is. Love the theme, but these homepage elements just aren’t behaving as they’re supposed to.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, as I noted on your original thread, this issue has been fixed. Thank you for bringing it to our attention.

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