Temp photos added to Media Library

  • We are limited to 3 gigs of images in the Media Library. I use a lot of images in my blog posts.

    In order to keep far from this 3.0 gig limit, we can use images from the internet as Temps and not save them to the Media Library.

    In spite of this, WordPress adds them into the library. This is not fair.

    I was up to 1.8 gigs of data in my Media Library. When I found temps and deleted them I dropped to 1.5 gigs of data.

    I would like to see this changed and not have images I take from the internet included in the Media Library,

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,
    Have you gone back to check whether removing these images from the library had an effect on the appearance of your posts? I can imagine they won’t look ok.

    Maybe not today but check again later after some days I once removed some images from my library and its affected my site.

  • When adding images from elsewhere, without them being added to your Media library, choose “Insert from URL” in the Image Block: https://wordpress.com/support/wordpress-editor/blocks/image-block/#add-an-image

  • therefoiam-

    Little problem as I remove them well after they are necessary.


    Sorry there WordPress has it backwards. I should not need to do anything special
    here. If I did not elect “Save image”, then WordPress should not save them. I will look for “Insert from URL”. If I find it I will use it. If not, I will be back.

    Thanks for our help.

  • O.K., I just went to add an image from the internet, there is no “Insert from URL” in the list of choices. Choices are: “View Image”, “Save image as” (which is what I use to save an image to my library”, “Copy Image”, “Copy image location” (which is what I have been using when I do not wish to save he image to my Library), “Email image”, “Set as Desktop Background”, “Inspect Accessibility Properties”, and “Inspect Element”. There is no “Insert from URL” in the list.

    Try again. Tell me where to find “Insert from URL”.

  • Are you adding an image via an image block? https://wordpress.com/support/wordpress-editor/blocks/image-block/#add-an-image

    If not, please use https://snipboard.io to share a screenshot of what you’re referring to.

  • It sounds like you are right clicking on an image in your browser search when you need to save the URL of the image first and then and go to “add media” on your site where you will see “insert from URL”.

  • themagicrobot-

    Too involved.

    Wordpress should not be saving images to my Media Library unless I use
    “Save image as”. Full stop.

  • macmanx-

    I am not using an image block. I use the P2 Classic “Classical Editor”.


  • Hi @richardmitnick, could you share a few examples of image URLs that were automatically added to your library? I’d like to try it on my end to see what I notice.

    Here are some situations I’ve seen over the years, and what I’ve noticed.

    – If the image is http rather than https, we have to put it in the media library or your readers would get a mixed content security warning in the browser when they view your site. So if you paste an http image url, I know we automatically grab that and put it in the media library.

    – If you’re using the image as a featured image, we have to store that on your site

    – Caching the images on our servers helps speed up the site, so it’s possible we’re getting the image to keep the site fast.

    – All of the things I’ve mentioned so far are things we cannot change for free sites on WordPress.com. The only workaround is to use your own copy of of WordPress with another host, and you’d need to pay for hosting and manage your own security and support. So just going with a Personal plan may be a better option there.

    – Some hosts and site owners don’t like it when people “hotlink” images and will block or modify them. They see it as not fair that some other site is stealing their resources and bandwidth, so generally speaking I’d suggest hotlinking unless you already know it’s okay to use the image. If you’re just using random images that you find on Google, consider using Flickr or Getty embeds instead. That would not use media library space, and you’d be using images with permission, too.



    Pexel images will be added to your media library automatically, so if you want to use those but not take up much space, I recommend going to the site directly and downloading a smaller version, then using that. Be sure to add credits as asked.

  • Oh, one other thing you’ll want be mindful of: the images in your media library are not temp images. They are what’s being used on the site. If you delete them from the library, they will stop working on the site. So please bear that in mind.

  • Got it.

    Thanks all for the help.

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