Tech Crunch is on wordpress.COM

  • I had always thought that if you want to have your own custom design website (although the con is that you need to be tech savy) you need to go with wordpress.ORG and if you want ease if use you want to go with wordpress.COM. I just became aware of the fact that operates under the wordpress.COM banner and not wordpress.ORG. I want to know how it is that techcrunch is able to have so much freedom of design while still using wordpress.COM, and please don’t say that it is because they have money because they could just as easily have gone with wordpress.ORG given their tech background.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • VIP hosted blogs are permitted to run ads and much more >

  • Because of the nature of this program it is not open to the public — it’s intended for high-profile publishers and startups that we have a good deal of confidence in. You might be a good candidate for VIP hosting if, for example, you get more than 1 million page views a month on your blog.

    Pricing begins at $500/month per blog (with a one-time setup fee of $1,500 per blog) but is flexible depending on your circumstances and number of blogs.

    We only want to do a handful of these, so we can’t accept everyone who applies. That said, don’t be shy. We’re always interested in meeting new and interesting folks.

  • I hope you aren’t into investigative blogging because your research skills suck!

  • What are you talking about?

  • She’s talking about VIP blogs. You said you wanted “to know how it is that techcrunch is able to have so much freedom of design while still using wordpress.COM”, and she told you.

  • Bold lettering added by mself:

    Based on our experience running blogs like CNN’s Political Ticker, Dow Jones’ All Things D, The National Football League’s Official NFL blog, People Magazine’s Style Watch, Om Malik’s GigaOM, official blogs for communities like Flickr and the BBC’s Top Gear, and many other high-profile and high-traffic blogs using, we’ve put together something called VIP Hosting. It allows these folks to piggyback on our infrastructure, getting the benefits of what we’ve built without the limitations of a free account with regard to ad serving, theme editing, plugins, and JavaScript.

  • I want to know how it is that techcrunch is able to have so much freedom of design while still using wordpress.COM …

    It seems obvious that Tech Crunch was accepted into the VIP hosting Program and pays to have VIP hosting and VIP support services.

    Ryan – February 19th, 2010 at 8:26 am UTC
    Seriously people….WordPress VIP hosting. Look in the bottom right hand corner of the page!
    “Powered by VIP”

  • Timethief – the third reply was harsh.

  • @mark
    Agreed. I could have simply stated look at the bottom right hand corner of the techcrunch home page and this “”Powered by VIP.” That’s what I’ll do in the future.

  • @thetpsreport
    I apologize for my third remark above. I’m sorry.

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