Tags and Publish dropped out of place and will not drag and drop

  • “The RSS buttons are there in your theme’s sidebar”: they appear to be in the sidebar but in fact no sidebar shows up in the theme when I start a new post. I did somehow save my Origin Story and I did get back the RSS buttons and a “Reply” box for comments. Again, I do not see a sidebar, which I would like to restore and get rid of the “RSS block” I managed to include in error in the theme.

    I appreciate all the help I am getting. My theme is quite functional and I am doing solid work with it. But I would like to have be correct which it surely is not.

  • Here is what I posted at https://wordpress.com/forums/topic/tangs-and-publish-droppedut-of-place-and-will-not-drag-and-drop/#post-3981719

    The loss of the sidebar was likely due to “I tested many themes by activating them.”

    Earlier sidebar widgets might have moved to the Inactive widgets area at Appearance>Widgets (not in the Customizer). If they are there, drag them back into the Sidebar area at the top of that same dashboard page. If you can’t drag, highlight the inactive widget and in the toolbar that appears, click the squiggly arrow in the toolbar to open a menu that shows where you can move the widget.

    Here again is more on working with Widgets:

    4 min read
    Widget areas are special places on your site that can accept blocks. These vary by theme but are typically areas like your sidebar or footer. 💡 Themes that support the Site Editor do not use widgets, so you won’t see Appearance → Widgets in your dashboard. Instead, you can edit all of your site in one place at Appearance → Editor. Click here to learn how to use the Site Editor.

    I don’t have anything more to add to what I’ve posted already.

  • O.K., I got rid of ““RSS Error: WP HTTP Error: A valid URL was not provided.” Sorry for all of the trouble.

    Now, I still need to get my sidebar back. I know that it looks as if I have a sidebar because I succeeded in getting back my two RSS buttons and I have my “Origin Story”, all of which was, I believe, in my sidebar. But when I have a blank theme loaded, below “Publish” and “Tags” that area is blank and it should, I believe, show a sidebar.

  • @richardmitnick are you able to see your widgets here?

    There should be some inactive widgets there that you can move to the sidebar as you like.

  • Also, I went ahead and fixed the topic title. And, thanks @2020testjj for all your help here too!

  • But when I have a blank theme loaded, below “Publish” and “Tags” that area is blank and it should, I believe, show a sidebar.

    @richardmitnick Because this forum thread has become mixed up, I have a feeling that we’re talking apples and oranges here.

    The Independent Publisher 2 Theme Sidebar with widgets is what you see when you go to your site’s homepage or any published post at https://sciencesprings.wordpress.com/ This is now the focus of this forum thread (formerly titled “I need help finding a new theme”).

    The sidebar with the Publish and Tags modules is what you see when you are writing a new post in your site dashboard at https://sciencesprings.wordpress.com/wp-admin/post-new.php?classic-editor That was the focus of your previous thread at https://wordpress.com/forums/topic/disaster-strikes-drag-and-drop-in-classic-editors/

    Combining topics in a single forum thread makes for more confusion, so if you still need help with modules in the Classic Post or Page Editor, please review what we did and, if needed, continue posting at https://wordpress.com/forums/topic/disaster-strikes-drag-and-drop-in-classic-editors/

    And for the sake of clarity, can you please make a screenshot of the dashboard/area you need help with here. https://wordpress.com/support/make-a-screenshot/ You can upload it here directly in your forum post or link to it in your site’s Media Library.

    I’m offline for the weekend and will check back next week.

  • Screen shot you requested.

  • Notice, screen shot shows no sidebar. I have also discovered that I have no box for people to sign up for the blog via email. If you can help with this, please respond in plain English to tell me how to get the email sign-up box. Do not send me to some WP page, i never understand them and I have discovered that if one touched something wrong one can severely damage one’s theme so for me the WP pages are confused, confusing and useless.

  • The screen shot shows that there is no sidebar below the “Publishing” and “Tags” blocks.

  • I’ve taken your screenshot and added some information that might help clarify.

    First, Sidebars appear in various places on WordPress.com sites.


    Your screenshot shows the dashboard at POSTS>ADD NEW>CLASSIC EDITOR https://sciencesprings.wordpress.com/wp-admin/post-new.php?classic-editor. That dashboard displays the MODULES for writing and editing your Posts. (Publish, Tags, Categories, Featured Image, etc.)

    If you want to move the modules that currently appear under the posting box (Featured Image, Excerpt, etc.) over to the right sidebar on that screen, then click the UP ARROW in the module header. You can then use the UP and DOWN ARROWS to reposition the module vertically in the sidebar. (You can also refer to my reply in your previous forum thread at https://wordpress.com/forums/topic/disaster-strikes-drag-and-drop-in-classic-editors/#post-3980983 )


    If you want to add (or edit) WIDGETS to the sidebar that appears on the public facing side of your website, you do that at APPEARANCE>WIDGETS. https://sciencesprings.wordpress.com/wp-admin/widgets.php Staff (@supernovia) said you have INACTIVE WIDGETS in that dashboard which you can move to the SIDEBAR widget area by using the squiggly arrow icon in the toolbar that appears when you click on the widget. Again, use the UP and DOWN ARROWS in each widget toolbar to reposition the widget vertically.

    If the Subscribe or Follow widget doesn’t appear in INACTIVE WIDGETS, you can add it to the Sidebar widget section by clicking on the PLUS SIGN at the top left of the screen and searching for “subscribe” or “follow”. Then drag the widget from the left over to the same Sidebar widget area.

    After you click the UPDATE button at the top right on that screen, the widgets will appear on the public facing side of your website at https://sciencesprings.wordpress.com There is no “preview,” so you’ll need to look at your website directly.


    Do not send me to some WP page, i never understand them

    Volunteers link to the relevant section in the Support site Guides for both the detailed written instructions and the screenshots there (also to save time). If the information in the Guide isn’t clear, then ask for clarification.

    and I have discovered that if one touched something wrong one can severely damage one’s theme

    Then add a free test website to your account with your chosen theme to try things out. That way you aren’t impacting your live website until you feel confident in what you’re doing.


    I also see I’m rephrasing my earlier replies hoping they’ll be clearer for you, but I don’t have any more suggestions or solutions to offer to the ones I’ve already given.

    If all this is new, I might suggest checking out the WordPress.com Learn site and/or WordPress.com 101 on YouTube. I wasn’t able to find a lesson or video that specifically addresses what you’ve asked about, but perhaps forum Staff can assist with that.

    Again, best wishes.

  • So I got a “Follow Sciencesprings” button from inactive widgets. Will that allow people to sign up for the blog? I was looking for a block or button for clearly signing up to get the blog via email, but I did not see that in inactive widgets.

    Also, I would like to have my two RSS button above my “Origin Story”.

    Also, I would like my “Reply” box to be above the text for the institution .

    If I can get these things done I will be finished.


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