
  • How come my tagline is not showing up on the thirteen theme?

  • This is referred to as a theme dependent feature. That means that only some themes have hardcoded “taglines” and others do not. I do not know if Thirteen has one and if that what you are saying is it was there before and isn’t now or if Thirteen does not have a tagline coded feature into the theme. I do know where you can look to find out and that’s here http://engtech.wordpress.com/tools/wordpress/wordpress-theme-reviews/
    Also note that the forum search box may contain threads that provide the answer to. I’m leaving it to you to look this up in the theme reviews and forum search box because I have vision problem.
    If your research proves the theme does have a hardcoded tagline and it’s not functioning, then please send a feedback into staff and they will “fix” this.
    HTH :)

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