Tagline is suddenly italicized

  • I’m VERY new to WordPress – just signed up last night. Just realized my tagline (‘Writer + Designer’) has suddenly italicized and I don’t know how to fix it.

    Just upgraded to Premium so I could get into the CSS but don’t know how to get a full view of it. Can anyone help a newbie?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • If you select the tag-line text, and right-click, you’ll get a pop-up which allows you to change the style. Clicking the Italic button should toggle italics off.

    As for viewing CSS, you should be able to access the Developer section within the browser you are using. How, is browser-dependant, but sometimes (eg Chrome) this is just a right-click on the page, and “view page source”, or “Inspect”.

  • Thanks so much for your quick response! Do you mean select the text in the ‘Site Identity’ pane in customizing mode? Also, I’m on a Mac so can’t right click – maybe option+click? (Sorry, I warned you I was a newbie!)

  • Ah, I was suggesting something which may not be available for the title/tagline, while it is for posts/blog text.

    Two possibilities;
    1. It may be the “Theme” which you have selected, some of these have italicised tag-lines – did you change the Theme just before noticing the change to italics ?
    2. You would nee to update the CSS for the tagline (which should be possible on a premium plan). I do not know CSS well enough to help with that, but I can see some forum items relating to modifying CSS for titles.
    Try https://en.forums.wordpress.com/search.php?q=italic+tagline

    I hope this helps further

  • Thanks for your help @sjfow! Still haven’t figured it out, but put an SOS out to my Facebook friends to see if someone can bail me out. Otherwise I may try and get a refund and go to another platform – WordPress is looking like it might not be as user-friendly as I thought :(

  • Thanks for your help @sjfow! Still haven’t figured it out, but put an SOS out to my Facebook friends to see if someone can bail me out. Otherwise I may try and get a refund and go to another platform – WordPress is looking like it might not be as user-friendly as I thought :(

  • Don’t give up on WordPress, I am a fairly recent user, and am finding more capability every day.

    If you are on Premium plan, you should be able to get direct support from the staff.
    Head to “wordpress.com/help/contact/” to contact directly.

    I will add modlook tag to alert them.

  • Hi marshatakedamorrison,

    I can see you chatted with one of our Happiness Engineers and they gave you some CSS to remove italics from your tagline. Are you still seeing italics or is this all sorted now?

    If not, just let me know :)

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