Tabs on home page have disappeared

  • After 6 years of having my site, the tabs at the top of my home page (to lead readers to my different pages) have disappeared! Why? Thanks!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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    Aside: You are using an old retired theme that no longer supports all wordpress.COM features. The recommendation is to switch themes and that’s easy to do. I suggest you do that and see if your issue is resolved after doing so.

    re: changing themes
    Themes are just “skins” on WordPress.COM hosted blogs. You can quickly and easily change themes on any WordPress.COM hosted blog to another theme found here and no data will be lost or negatively affected by the change. The only time you may have to do some work is if you are changing to a dramatically different theme and have done any CSS editing.

    Provided you are logged in as Admin under the same username account that registered the blog go to Dashboard > Appearance > Themes, Browse themes until you find one you like and click the “activate” or the “preview” link, or type in the name of the theme you want to use when it appears.

    The theme customizer provides a preview function for exactly that purpose ie. so you can view what a theme will appear like prior to changing one.

    For changing themes see here

    Every theme has detailed theme description page with set up instructions like this one and a live demo site like this one

  • San Jose Unified School District is closed from November 25, 2015, to November 30, 2015. I will be happy to return your message on November 30th. Happy Thanksgiving! My Best, Peter Glasser

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