subscribers are still not getting email notifications of new posts

  • I communicated with you day before yesterday about existing email subscribers and new subscribers not being able to confirm their subscriptions and even once that is done, they are not all receiving the email notifications of new posts – older subscribers are getting these notifications.

    It seems the website subscribers system is locked up due to too many people not confirming their subscriptions, but we cannot seem to remedy it on our end.

    I put up a post last night and several people have let me know that they didn’t receive the email notification.

    I need more help to get this situation remedied, as subscribers getting those email notifications reliably is crucial to this site’s function.

    Can you help me sort this out please. I would be very grateful.

    With Green Thoughts, Tammi Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

Reply to subscribers are still not getting email notifications of new posts