subscribe link does not work

  • i attempted to subscribe to this blog and did not receive confirmation Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • More information, after browsing these forums:

    1. no, i’m not using a plug-in
    2. no, i’m not using a pop-up
    3. i’m just using the most basic subscribe button

  • You have blocked us from sending subscription email content.

    To correct that:

    1. Log out of at (this is crucial).

    2. Visit and enter your email address under “Manage Subscriptions.”

    3. A link will be emailed to you, click that while still logged out of

    4. Navigate to the Settings tag, uncheck “Block all email updates from blogs you’re following on” and save.

    5. While you’re there, navigate to the Pending tab, where you’ll find 5 Pending subscriptions. Please either confirm or delete those, as excessive Pending subscriptions can also block future subscriptions.

    Once that’s done, you can log back in to and try subscribing again.

  • Thank you for that advice. However, I completed all of these steps and still cannot subscribe.
    I have also tried to use other e-mail addresses to subscribe to this blog. The blog subscription button is not working, and I would like to know how to fix this.

    Thanks again for any help you can provide.

  • Hi @theshorterstoryteller, let’s see if we can sort this out.

    – Would you be willing to let us try subscribing from this side, with your account? You would need to let us know which site you’re struggling with.

    – Can you also confirm which subscribe button you’re clicking? There are a few, so here’s how to make a screenshot; more context is better so try not to crop it too tight:

    Then upload it here:

    Once that’s done, update us here. I’m sure when we’re both looking at the same thing, we’ll spot the issue. Cheers!

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