“Structure” theme left sidebar widgets not appearing

  • Hi. I changed one of my blogs – http://abune.wordpress.com/ – over to use the “Structure” theme, hoping to take advantage of both sidebars rather than the right-hand only the previous theme supported.

    However, when I put widgets in to the left sidebar, they don’t appear. Currently, for example, for testing, there is a text widget and a calendar widget there in the Dashboard, but neither is visible on the blog. I’ve been through the theme options under “Appearance”, and none of them seems to apply to this.

    The other widget areas seem to be working fine – it’s just the left-hand one that doesn’t show up.

    No doubt I’m doing something wrong (or not doing something I should), but I’m stumped. What’s happening here? TIA

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • <blockqoute> Think carefully which widgets you’ll add to which sidebar: category and other archive pages are similar to the lower section of the homepage, but only the right sidebar shows up when viewing a single complete post or a static page (hence the double tagging of the theme: “two-columns” and “three-columns”).
    Read it all here > http://wpbtips.wordpress.com/2010/05/01/introduction-to-structure/

    Suggestion: Please use the forum searchbox to locate threads on the same issue as you will find answers in them. At present the new themes are spawning multiple threads that make it a real PITA for Volunteers who have to bunnyhop back and forth saying the same things aover and over gain.

  • Thanks. That answers the question, although I’m not clear on the reasoning behind it working that way.

    Incidentally, I did search the forum before posting, but found nothing related to this query.

  • Thanks for letting me know you searched first – good on you. :) I believe it was buried in one of the grey or gray box structure threads. Frankly, I do think any of us understand the reasoning either.

    The Theme Team adapts new themes from wordpress.ORG versions and we wordpress.COM first users of the themes become BETA testers. It’s actually fun testing new themes and exploring all their features and sharing what we find with each other. We are currently requesting a that a new forum for be created strictly for this purpose here. > https://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic/suggestion-for-new-forum?replies=10

    Does this resolve your issue or are you thinking of switching themes?

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