Stats: Tie referrals to page views

  • Are there plans in the works to tie site referrals to post views on the stats page? That way, we would know which referrals are directed to which pages.

    As an example: Today, I noticed a referral from someone’s AOL email, but I didn’t email anyone with an AOL address a link to any post. So I’m wondering which post of mine was included in that email. Tying page view/referrarl to IP address may solve that mystery.

    Just my two cents.

  • just wandering through my favs. and… bump: very nice cool feature request.

    sometimes I get ‘referrers’ containing somewhat offensive strings instead of URI in their body — would be of interest which post deserved it.

  • it seemed to be there before the curent blog stat system.

  • Matt has suggested that the addition of Urchin / Google Analytics may be coming in the near future.

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