Stats page oddities on one day

  • On the main Stats page of my primary site, under the “Posts & pages” section ordinarily ten posts or page are displayed, with a “View all” link at the bottom of the section. For May 30th, that section displays just three pages, and there is no “View all” link at the bottom.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @musicdoc1,

    When I have less than 10 pages with active visits that day- there is no “Show more” button. I have visited some random pages on, could you please check if there is any difference now?
    Also switching statistics window to “Weeks” or “Month” (top right corner of Statistics window) have the same effect- more visited pages do not fit into “Posts & Pages” and “Show more” appears. Does it behave same your side?

  • Pardon, the button is called not “Show more” but “View All”.

  • For May 30th, that section displays just three pages,

    I may misunderstood you, are you sure there were more visited pages that day, means the statistics source has to be rechecked?

  • Hi @maksimurasov,

    are you sure there were more visited pages that day
    Yes, sorry for being unclear on that. After I submitted the OP, I realized that hadn’t made it clear that there were more than ten posts or pages visited on that day, but I hesitated to add an explanation because that would take it out of the “Topics with no replies” category. In fact the stats list 143 posts and pages for that day, which is probably a little above normal I think. So there are always more than ten post and pages visited.

    I’ve now checked each day in May and each displays 10 in the “Posts and pages” list on the main Stats page AND the “View all” link, except May 30.

  • The full “Posts & pages” list for that day, or any day, can be reached by clicking the right-pointing caret to the right of the “Posts & Pages” section title.

  • Update: The same issue is affecting today’s stats on the same site. This time only seven show in the “Posts & pages” section on the main stats page, and no “View all” link, whereas there are well over 100 posts and pages listed under that section when it is expanded using the caret I mentioned above.

  • Hi @musicdoc1,

    This is when viewing stats at, correct?

    You can see detailed information for each module on the stats page by clicking on the module header:

    If there was a View All link as well that’s now gone, it was probably removed because it duplicated the same action. I don’t see any recent changes in the code to remove anything like that, though.

  • @kokkieh,

    Hi! Yes, that’s the page I refer to, and Thanks : ), but I already knew about that way of getting to the full list, though I wouldn’t call what’s available there “details.”*

    In the “Posts & pages” section of stats for that site, there are 10 items and a “View all” for each date from May 30 to May 29. I think it’s been like that for a long time. Also, I don’t recall ever seeing the “View all” link missing and only 3 or 7 items displayed there before. So, evidence and memory both suggest that the change began, at least on this particular site, exactly on May 30th.


    * I wouldn’t call it “details” because 1.) It appears to just a full list of each post and page for which there was a unique visitor to something within that post or page, and 2. Details available in the WP-Admin stats (drop-down lists below posts and pages with containing a gallery with views, and exact views of individual images in the gallery, for example) are missing.

  • Okay, I can see what you’re referring to if I view stats for 29 May at

    The fact that it’s showing for that date, but not for May 30, indicates it hasn’t been removed from stats. Had it been removed it would no longer appear for any date in stats.

    I dug around in the code a bit, and while I can’t explain exactly how this works, it appears that link shows/doesn’t show dynamically based on the content of the module. So there are circumstances where it won’t show, even if there are more items available (in fact, in my own site stats I have that link showing on a day during May where all the posts are already listed in the module, while on other days where there are more posts the link doesn’t show).

    So in this case it doesn’t appear the behaviour is expected, even if a bit confusing, and there isn’t anything actually broken, especially as the View All link and the module header link go to the exact same place.

  • I said.

    In the “Posts & pages” section of stats for that site, there are 10 items and a “View all” for each date from May 30 to May 29

    Sorry, I meant from May 3 to May 29. Made several typos in my last post here. I’d also said the same thing in my second post in the topic, “I’ve now checked each day in May…”

    You said,

    So there are circumstances where it won’t show, even if there are more items available

    I suspect the number of items displayed in that module might decrease when individual images are among the most viewed “posts and pages” that day. I wonder if it’s related in some way to the issue I described in the April 2017 forum topic Top Posts and Pages Widget only displaying three items. About six months later in a related Forums Help topic I suggested a widget design change that would allow more consistency in the number of items displayed.

  • Thanks for taking the time to do some digging into code on this. Much appreciated. : )

  • The issue might have been present for years in the Calypso stats page, but I wouldn’t have been aware of it because I hadn’t use those stats until I was forced to when WP-Admin stats were scrapped several weeks ago. I’d never encountered the issue once in the WP-Admin stats. Had it been present there I couldn’t possibly have missed it, because I’ve used the “View all” link on Top Posts & Pages, or it’s WP-Admin equivalent almost daily for much of the last 12 years.

  • Correction:

    I’ve used the “View all” link on Posts & Pages in stats, nearly always in WP-Admin until several weeks ago, almost daily for much of the last 12 years.

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