stats page

  • It’s the Notifications page I miss most – the bell in the corner isn’t nearly so easy to use, and doesn’t retain enough comments. My blog is only moderately busy – maybe 15-20 commenters a day – and yet it only retains 1-2 days worth of comments. It’s not always possible to reply every day, so this is hopeless. The old Notifications page retained things for much longer. It must be even worse for people with really busy blogs.

    The main reason I prefer WP to the other free blogging platforms is because of the ease of commenting and replying to comments. It’s unfortunate, then, that WP seems to be actually going backwards in this aspect. In a bid to minimise the problems this latest unnecessary change has caused, I set my notifications to get e-mails regarding comments, which means I now have an overflowing inbox. But even so, I’m still not getting notified when people reply to comments I’ve left on their WP blogs. Communication is becoming harder with every change WP makes.

    The old Stats page was also much more visually friendly and easier to get around than the new one. Why change things when users enjoy them as they are? It’s so annoying – it’s as if WP doesn’t listen or care about what its users say.

  • @supernovia, it is great that someone from WP finally took notice of the unrest brewing over the loss of the old stats page. That said, what kind of specific feedback are you looking for? An enumerated list of all the ways the old page is superior to the old one? We have been over it ad infinitum. I think at this point it is more appropriate for WP to offer us specific feedback on what exactly is going on and what the plan is going forward. I wish this did not have to be so acrimonious but the way this and other issues have been handled in the past does not predispose most of us to optimism. We are tired of having things crammed down our throats, despite our strenuous objections. I would a much more amicable give and take between discontented bloggers and WP.

  • @supernovia, it is great that someone from WP finally took notice of the unrest brewing over the loss of the old stats page. That said, what kind of specific feedback are you looking for? An enumerated list of all the ways the old page is superior to the old one? We have been over it ad infinitum. I think at this point it is more appropriate for WP to offer us specific feedback on what exactly is going on and what the plan is going forward. I wish this did not have to be so acrimonious but the way this and other issues have been handled in the past does not predispose most of us to optimism. We are tired of having things crammed down our throats, despite our strenuous objections. I would a much more amicable give and take between discontented bloggers and WP.

  • I’m not at all happy with the changes to the stats page. You don’t show the countries that have visited my post and to me that is important. I’m sure there are other things that will turn up that will be equally infuriating.

  • @bubbasuess that would be helpful.

    I realize some of the items listed will be featured and others will be matters of preference, but even then, if you can clearly let us know what it is you prefer about the older code, we can collect that feedback and take it into account for improvements. Granted, almost every change is met with some resistance, so we do have to be careful.

  • @supernovia
    Once again during the busiest season of the year when support staff are in short supply we have unannounced system wide changes sprung on us that are giving rise to negative feedback.

    There are multple feedback on stats page changes threads. May I suggest that the feedback be collected from all existing threads and afterward that they be closed? Then a sticky post can be created that we Volunteers can direct all to post their stats page feedback into.

  • @supernovia
    P.S. I forgot to mention that some bloggers have posted the same fa la la la la (stats page feedback) into multiple threads, and one even had the audacity to tell WordPress Staff to stop harassing them with unwelcome changes. It does not take a rocket scientist to conclude that posting the same feedback into multiple threads on the same issue is pretty ding-dong close to being harassing behavior. Logic suggests we share feedback once only rather than duplicating it in multiple threads.

  • Hi @timethief, yeah I’ve seen a lot of it, it’s rough. Hopefully some clear feedback will emerge from the threads.

    May I suggest that the feedback be collected from all existing threads and afterward that they be closed? Then a sticky post can be created that we Volunteers can direct all to post their stats page feedback into.

    That is a great suggestion, thanks. I’ll run it by the others here.

  • @supernovia

    That is a great suggestion, thanks. I’ll run it by the others here.


  • @supernovia

    I cannot speak for other WordPress users. But I liked the entire old stats page. It was far easier to read and to interpret the numbers. There was a clear list of the last 30 days as to how many people who had read my Blog. It also provided a nice map of where visitors from today were from, as well as a list of posts that people had read today. Yet there with one click, I could also see a summary of both where my visitors were from and the total numbers of times each post had been read. I cannot seem to do any of this on the new site.

    I also prefer the old way to create new posts. Again, everything was laid out in a way that allowed me to be effective – nothing like that happens with the new option.

    Why can users not be allowed to choose which style (old or new) that members want to use – just like with the other options at WordPress – for example, I can choose the layout of my Blog, so why not how I use the tools to make my Blog more effective.

  • @edwardbrain1 you can still see total views, top posts, countries, etc. Click on Days / Week / Months / Years you can see the totals. You can also click on an individual bar in that section to read data for that specific time period.

    We do want to track any feedback for features that aren’t in the live version though. Since the feedback has been scattered over a number of threads, we’re going to go ahead and start one main thread here:

  • The topic ‘stats page’ is closed to new replies.