Stats Classics: How to set?

  • The new “Stats” page is horrible. How can I set my page so that I always have the “classics” Stats page?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Sorry you don’t like the new style! The older stats will be phased out eventually.

    If you have any additional feedback about what you don’t like about the new design, specific notes that mention what you don’t like and why it doesn’t work well for you would be helpful to have. I am collecting constructive feedback about feature changes.

  • Sorry you don’t like the new style! The older stats will be phased out eventually.

    This is just unbelievable. Also here I have to add my vote… Nope, I don’t want that. Reason: Old one is better and I won’t analyze the difference between the old and new stats page. I dislike the new stats page too.

  • designsimply

    The older stats will be phased out eventually.

    I can only conclude from this that you are seeking a whole new customer base whilst disregarding the views and opinions of those that have been with you for a long time.

    I write my posts and use WP from a desktop not a tablet.

  • I can only conclude from this that you are seeking a whole new customer base whilst disregarding the views and opinions of those that have been with you for a long time.

    Exactly my impression. It’s quite insulting if you did spend a lot of time here and they don’t care about you anymore. But what is even more insulting is that they force us into baby-mode. I see the future coming… they want to create something like Tumblr or Instragram and catch those users who don’t want to blog seriously.

  • This pandering to easy reading from a phone is foolish and a bad business decision. If the post creators are not happy then there will be less to read.

    Surely, with a little intelligence, it is possible to provide an easy read format for the phones without disrupting the creative input that is essential to WP’s success..

  • Hey, are we all getting new phones from Automattic for Christmas? AWESOME!

  • I think you’re over-focusing on mobile. The design changed. The new design is also mobile-friendly (that’s just one part of the update). I think a few of you simply don’t like the new design, regardless of whether it’s designed to work well on mobile.

    The same data is available. May I ask for specifics about what you miss from the old design? Was it just familiar and that’s what you liked?

  • I think you’re over-focusing on mobile. The design changed. The new design is also mobile-friendly (that’s just one part of the update). I think a few of you simply don’t like the new design, regardless of whether it’s designed to work well on mobile.

    Seriously.. those statements are the ones that frustrate people and even if I didn’t want to, I tell you now why, because to me it seems that you really can’t see the difference of both stats pages from a usability perspective. So let me analyze it for you. It’s sad that I have to do this because the difference between both is so obvious, that it’s a shame that we have to explain it to you guys. I feel very sorry for you that it’s your job to make something temptim to us that simply doesn’t work well.

    Also please don’t take this personally, I know it’s your job but your text reads as marketing psychology. It’s so easy to reverse your statement…

    I think YOU ARE over-focusing on mobile and the design changes. The new design is ONLY mobile-friendly (and that’s the only part of the update). I think a few of you simply didn’t like the classic design, regardless of whether it’s designed to work well on dekstop systems. Get it? This is psychology.

    I don’t really have much time to beta test your design errors, so I am sorry if I make it short….

    The classic stats page does use the room of a wide screen monitor. You know, those modern screens that are designed for desktop computer. The old stats page doesn’t use that space, it does present everything that it is accessable on a mobile device ONLY. Please, how can’t you see the difference? Are you even logged in on a PC or Mac with a widescreen? I really can’t imagine it that you don’t see the difference.

    There is much more screen estate used by the old design and the new design does use less screen estate. Resulting in the usability backward step that you have to scroll more. Now it’s just a one clumn design and it has been a two column design earlier. How can’t you see the advantage of a two column design?

    Comparison: screen estate of the old stats element is 960 pixel wide. Fact check, the new stats element is just 653 pixel wide resulting in a loss of 307 pixel in width!!! That means your designer threw away one third of screen estate. Do you now understand why it is hard to go through all the design errors? Honestly, it’s visibible what happened wihtout examining the elements with firebug.. it’s sad that you demand that we do this for you! Again, the you take away pixel of the width, what will happen? The content is squished in the height. Do you think desktop user use a widescreen because they want to adopt to the screen estate of a mobile device? This is what you did, you basically have “stolen” our screen estate to make it more accessable for mobile user. While doing that, you clearly set a focus which of the groups is more important to you guys. The mobile users.

    Here is how it is done right to give everyone a good experience…

    Mobile app with own design for mobile users, core design for desktop users. Please be honest… you made it responsive to have less work and to be able to just work on one design! This is the true reason. It’s your turn to explain us desktop users why you set the priority to mobile users! We don’t have to anaylze the whole design for you, because you clearly know what you have done. It’s psychology to give us the task to analyze your design, because if we don’t you will just say “Hey this is no constructive feedback” and later you close the threads to say “You did just complain, we didn’t get feedback of you”. Happened several times and will happen again. The latest wordpress mantra is “always forward, no matter what they think, but never backward”.

    This is the frustration with you guys and I hopefully find a nice and cheap host soon to leave this place. The only real advantage that is holding me, is the free and super fast cloud server of you. It’s really a problem for me right now… it the decision between cholera and plague. I can’t leave the place here because with the high traffic I need to have a more expansive cloud host, otherwise a host would cick me from the server due to heavy bandwith usage, but you offer cloud for free. On the otherside, it would be good to leave this place here because then I could get back to a real wordpress CMS with a nice design in the backend. I dislike the mobile direction you are taking. If I would like a baby-like CMS, I would join Instragram or Tumblr, where less serious people blog. I believe you want to attract those day flies with your design, those day flies who create a blog out of boredom to delete it one month later because they notice you don’t get rich quik with blogging. Do you want those novices? Good luck.

    Many of us have been with you several years. I for example use over 6, I do even believe 8 years when I count in my other projects. I suggested your service everywhere, until 2014 and the new designs came. If you chase away people like me in mass, you will will crack your “community backbone”, I promise this.

    The same data is available. May I ask for specifics about what you miss from the old design? Was it just familiar and that’s what you liked?

    Really? Then you can probably explain where the search engine terms are in the new design. You can probably also tell me where your designers did hide the traffic world map. Maybe you can even tell me why I would need a stats element that tells me how many posts I published today. Don’t you think we know how many we published on a day? What has this elemen to do in the stats page and why is it nearly the highest ranking element? Clearly, you need some experienced usability testers. This is a fail design, I am sorry.

    I close this new page now because as said, I don’t want to analyze all the errors because I don’t want to use this one column smartphone stats page. I don’t beta test your new features because I won’t use them.

    By the end of my text, I ask you to write this feedback downt too… I pledge for it that you don’t wipe out the old stats. Please give us a a way to use the classic stats page as you did it with the editor. The new designs are unfunctional for serious bloggers, and for those who work with a desktop system or a widescreen.

    I am sorry that I can’t anaylze more of the new design. Please understand that we are busy in real life too. I don’t have the time, I don’t even want to look on the new design for hours, and finally there is also way too much to write down, because there is a lot messed up. I’m sorry.

  • To go one step further…

    I also don’t get why you mess with a design that worked so well, while there are much more improvments waiting, that have been suggested a tons of time.

    1. Meanwhile Google introduced that HTTPS is now a ranking signal. Even if suggested, yet we still can’t buy SSL certificates for our mapped domains.

    2. A millions of times suggested and it would make all your stats pages obsolete at once, why do we still can’t use Google analytics in the year 2014?

    3. Have you ever checked out your theme library? This is a true mess. The great “Editor Style” feature has never been ported to all themes. As a WordAds user I can just choose from 5% of the themes because 95% of the themes don’t even support WordAds… each theme comes with another feature but most themes don’t have the same features. It’s a true mess and no features get ported to all themes.

    I could count up more things but you basically just need to take a look in the “suggestions and ideas” section of this forum once in a while to find out what people are demanding. Or you should start to collect user feedback via email. You always say “Hey our users like the new design and demanded it” and I ask myself, where do you collect this feedback? Take a look in the forum and I don’t see anybody who is prising or asking for these changes. Or take a look here: how many people are dissapointed with the constant changes…

    So, here are two questions…

    1. Where do you collect the impression that people demand new design over the designs that worked very well?

    2. Why don’t you work on highly important things as mentioned in my post, but instead focusing on changing things that don’t really need to be changed?

    What is wrong there?

  • diaryofdennis

    Well said! I support your views and comments.

  • @diaryofdennis

    “To go one step further ~ “

    Yes well said and the last two questions are insightful and need answering.

  • I HATE the new stats page — and it is slower. Bad idea all around, WP. Go back. It was fine before.

  • I also do not like the “new” stats page. I still use the classic Stats page (the one without the country/nation views map).

    Are you saying that the classic Stats page will be discontinued? What about the other Stats page with country/nation views, will that also be discontinued?

    Personally, I am tired of all the scrolling. One column with a narrow width just isn’t a pleasant experience. This was done for usability for mobile users, not desktop users.

    Why not have 2? Please the desktop users and the mobile users. Everyone is happy then.

  • Another suggestion: please have an option for us to choose the colors like we have with the classic editor/stats, etc. pages. All this blue is not easy on the eyes. I will not use the new editor because of the blue as well as the problem with the categories/tags (did that ever get fixed?)

  • How can I set my page so that I always have the “classics” Stats page?

    There are two old Stats pages and they are both available from the classic dashboard. You can go directly to the classic dashboard by logging in here:

    The old Stats pages are

    1. (really old, “classic”). Link is found in the dashboard admin panel in the “Dashboard” drop-down menu (clock symbol).

    2. (kinda old, “super classic”). The link is found in the dashboard navigation menu, in the website title drop-down menu.

  • Or just add a bookmark to a bookmarks toolbar.

  • @diaryofdennis, thank you very much for your feedback. I can see that you are really passionate about this topic! I am sorry some of my statements frustrated you, that was not my intention.

    There is much more screen estate used by the old design and the new design does use less screen estate. Resulting in the usability backward step that you have to scroll more.

    This is the type of feedback I am after. Instead of saying you don’t like the design, I want to know why and how it affects you from your point of view. Having to scroll more and not being able to see as many of the stats from the start is all you had to say. No need to analyze pixels.

    Then you can probably explain where the search engine terms are in the new design. You can probably also tell me where your designers did hide the traffic world map. Maybe you can even tell me why I would need a stats element that tells me how many posts I published today

    You are right! One thing was removed—the search terms were removed because the data source is no longer reliable.

    The world map is there if you click on the “Countries” heading.

    The element that tells you how many posts were published applies to the weeks, months, and years filters too. I think it’s also useful for the day view if you are looking at a past day. You can view a past day by clicking on the bars in the graph or changing the date in the URL after you have clicked on one of the bars in the graph.

    Google introduced that HTTPS is now a ranking signal. Even if suggested, yet we still can’t buy SSL certificates for our mapped domains.

    I think this will take time to setup.

    Have you ever checked out your theme library? This is a true mess. The great “Editor Style” feature has never been ported to all themes.

    Editor styles are a good feature. Our theme team works to get them added to new themes whenever possible.

    Where do you collect the impression that people demand new design over the designs that worked very well?

    We do get comments and emails about design changes from people who say they really like them. People who have a complaint are generally louder publicly than people who are happy with changes, so you are probably seeing more of the side that you are on from your point of view.

    Why don’t you work on highly important things as mentioned in my post, but instead focusing on changing things that don’t really need to be changed?

    There are a lot of factors involved in deciding what to work on. Right now, focus is on the newer tools in the dashboard and making that section work better and better over time. Your feedback helps with that, so thank you again for taking the time to write. I know you said you were busy and didn’t want to dig into the details before.

  • @dandelionsalad

    I also do not like the “new” stats page. I still use the classic Stats page (the one without the country/nation views map).

    Click on the “Countries” heading to see the country map.

    Are you saying that the classic Stats page will be discontinued? What about the other Stats page with country/nation views, will that also be discontinued?

    Probably, yes. But the latest stats design will probably change to accommodate some of the feedback that has been posted here.

    Personally, I am tired of all the scrolling. One column with a narrow width just isn’t a pleasant experience. Another suggestion: please have an option for us to choose the colors like we have with the classic editor/stats, etc. pages. All this blue is not easy on the eyes.

    Thank you for this feedback.

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