Stacks broken?

  • I have a series of pages that all look the same, with stacks to create 2 columns of thumbnail images, 4 in the first column and 2 in the second column. Here’s one of the pages to show what they normally look like:


    On one of the pages, I changed some text today and updated the page. Now the columns are really screwed up. Instead of 2 tidy columns on the left, the right column is way over on the right of the page and the images in the left column are not aligned:


    Just to make sure it wasn’t something I did, I went to another page and made no changes at all, just updated it and that broke the page:


    Has there been a change to stacks such that they no longer work? If so, is there a replacement for stacks I can use?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    I’ve taken a look at your site and can see what was described there. It looks some of the files for the site were minified, as a result of the Jetpack Performance measures we employ here:

    The performance and speed settings aim to increase speeds, however, they can result in some styles not being present. I’ve deactivated these for you in the link above – are you able to confirm if this has resulted in the desired changes.

    Many thanks in advance and looking forward to hearing from you!

  • Hmmm, now it’s much worse. All the pages are now broken, even the ones I didn’t update. For example, the first link in my post above looked ok yesterday, but now the two columns of thumbnails are messed up with the right column way over on the right of the page and the images in the left column are not aligned.

  • Here’s another example of the problem:


    The page looks fine in the visual editor. With two columns of 4 thumbnails each, nice and tidy over on the left of the page, followed by a larger image to their immediate right and text to the right of that. (How can I attach a screenshot to this post?). But the published page is really messed up, with the two columns of thumbnails scattered and the image in the third column is completely missing.

  • Changing the resolution (not the size) seems to help. These are all large images scaled down. Setting the resolution to medium instead of full seems to work better.

    I have no idea why that would be and I have no idea why this problem has suddenly appeared. Are you saying a recent change to jetpack might have caused this?

  • Hi there,

    I noticed that your site is using an older theme (Boardwalk) that was first launched in 2014, many years before we had a block editor on

    Our older “Classic” themes have been retrofitted with basic block support, but because of the way they are coded it’s not possible to add full blocks compatibility. In this case the Boardwalk theme is not able to correctly interpret the block code for Stacks and Rows. However by switching to a newer theme that was designed with the block editor in mind, this layout does appear as expected. You can see here in these screenshots I took from my test website (using your layout) that show the newer theme is able to display it without issue:

    Because it is not possible to add full block support to some themes, you may need to consider a different option instead:

    1. Try a different set of blocks to arrive at the same layout. It’s possible the columns block may work in this layout where the rows and stacks cannot.
    2. Consider using a built-in method for displaying grids of images, such as our Gallery Block
    3. Switch to a more modern theme that has 100% Block compatibility:

    Hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any more questions.

  • I understand what you’re saying, but whew, changing themes is a big ask. Regarding block types, I spent a lot of time finding a way to order a set of thumbnail images that can act as links. I couldn’t find other blocks that could do the job. While there are various ways to display images, the challenge was blocks or galleries that would allow me to attach links to the images.

  • In the meantime, changing the resolution of the images to medium seems like an effective fix, so it’s working now. One question: how did you insert images into your post above? Or is that feature only available to staff?

  • Hi there,

    I believe that @staff-totoro used the Gallery block, which plays nicer with more modern themes that fully support the Block Editor.

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