Split: Creating New Pages

  • In my “Pages”, my home page is using the Blog template. I am trying to make a web site, not a blog site.

  • Hi there, I split this request from the post you commented on since that one has been inactive for a few weeks. This will allow us to focus on your issue here, thanks!

    In my “Pages”, my home page is using the Blog template. I am trying to make a web site, not a blog site.

    Thanks for clarifying. The theme you are using now has a customizeable homepage, so if you wish it is possible to edit the contents of that page to reflect the look you are after. Currently it does show some blog posts, but it also has homepage sections that are not connected to the blog. Those can be updated with your content or replaced.

    We go into more detail on how to edit your homepage template here: https://wordpress.com/learn/courses/create-your-site/editing-templates/

    Another option you can consider is to switch to a different theme, one that has a design that is a better starting point than the theme you are using now. You can see all the themes we offer here: https://wordpress.com/themes/

    Also you do have the option to design your own theme using our simple drag and drop tool. You can see it in action (it’s a lot of fun to use!) and get some ideas for how you can design your own theme here: https://wordpress.com/learn/webinars/design-your-own-theme/#tab-video-replay

    You are also welcome to register to attend one of the upcoming presentations, they are all given live, so each one is different including the site we create in the demo.

    Hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any more questions.

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