Spaces between paragraphs have disappeared

  • Hi all,

    I’m afraid to make corrections to my latest post.

    Although the current published draft renders correctly, all 3500 words turn into 1 long paragraph when I go into edit mode.

    I have been exiting from the edit screen without saving updates because I don’t want to lose all my formatting. I figured this was a glitch that would clear itself up after day or two, but it has persisted.

    I searched for other posts about similar problems and read reports of formatting being lost on documents copy-pasted from Word. That is NOT the problem I am experiencing, as I drafted my post within WordPress.

    I’m not linking my post here because it’s still in the correct format. To show you the loss of paragraph breaks, I would have to update it–and I don’t want to do that because I’m not sure how I would restore the proper formatting.

    Any suggestions?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • thistimethisspace · Member ·

    If you want to learn how to format and space your posts and pages see:

    If you use the classic editor here Dashboard > Posts > Add New to create your posts what I provide below may be helpful.

    In the classic editor, if you are working in the Visual editor, to get single spacing between paragraphs hold the SHIFT key down and simultaneously click ENTER at the end of the paragraph. If you are working in the Text or HTML editor, a single click of ENTER will give you a single-spaced line, and two clicks of ENTER will result in double spaced lines.

    Whether or not you are copying and pasting go to > Dashboard > Settings > Writing and enable this setting:
    __ WordPress should correct invalidly nested XHTML automatically
    “save changes”

    IMPORTANT NOTE: When you create a new post, always make sure the Format tool is set to Paragraph before you start typing. It’s in the Visual editor Row 2 first position “style”. See the illustration here If you forget to do that then edit the post, highlight all in the Visual editor, select Paragraph from the Format tool, switch editor to Text then switch back to Visual and click Update.

  • thistimethisspace · Member ·

    I’m not linking my post here because it’s still in the correct format.

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  • Hi there,

    I’m sorry for the trouble! A recent change caused a problem with spacing between paragraphs, and our team launched a fix for that. Please try refreshing the editor in your browser or clearing your browser’s cache. If the problem persists after that, let me know!

  • @Rachelmcr:

    Thank you for letting me know that a fix was in the pipeline. My paragraph breaks have been restored. Huzzah.

  • @thistimethisspace

    Thanks for taking the time to share your advice on how I could troubleshoot my problem if the glitch persisted. Fortunately, it’s gone and my blog is back to normal.

  • thistimethisspace · Member ·

    Hooray! I love happy endings.

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