space use

  • I have a site on which it says I have used 5.3 of 6 gigs. I have deleted lots of pictures and half my blog, but there still doesn’t seem to be much space left. Is there a way to clean out more to create more space?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there,

    Your posts and site content do not count against your storage capacity. You can free up space by removing content from your Media library, or adding media to external hosting platforms. We have a great help document to help with this here:

    Get More Storage Space
    3 min read
    When you upload images and other files to your website, they are stored in your site’s Media. This guide will show you how to check your site’s available storage, increase your storage capacity, and free up space. Available Storage Space Your site’s storage space depends on which plan you have for that site: PlanStorage SpaceFree sites (no plan)1 GB1Starter6 GBExplorer13 G

    You can also increase your storage capacity to 13GB but upgrading to the Explorer plan:

    Hope this helps!

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