Some legacy widget produce an error message and disable the widget area window

  • Attempts to add the Legacy Widgets listed below to a widget area produces the error message “The Editor has encountered an unexpected error,” accompanied by a button labeled “Copy Error.” This happens each time I try to add one of the widgets in the list. When the error message happens, I am unable to

    a. see any widgets already present
    b. remove the error message
    c. add another widget
    d. or do anything else in the widget area window

    until I either reload the Customize page, or close the page and reopen it. When I take either of these steps and then reopen the widget area, then the error message is gone and the widgets previously present can be seen and managed again. Merely closing the widget area or the whole widgets section don’t get rid of the error message.

    desktop PC
    Windows 7
    Firefox 92.01

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Forgot to include the list of widgets that produce the error message:

    Top Clicks
    Author Grid
    Eventbrite: Event Calendar/Listing
    Cookies & Consents Banner
    I Voted

    I’ve haven’t tried to add each of the Legacy Widgets, but have tried perhaps 90% or so. Those I’ve tried that aren’t listed above may be added without producing the error message.

  • This appears to be a bug! Thanks for testing and reporting it, @musicdoc1!

    I was able to consistently replicate the issue (except for the Cookies & Consent Banner widget) and I’ve opened a bug report for our developers to look at.

    I found that if you navigate to the wp-admin section of the widget ( those legacy widgets can still be inserted without the error. So the issue seems to be specific to the customizer.

    Thanks again for bringing this to our attention! :)

  • @aisajib,

    I found that if you navigate to the wp-admin section of the widget ( those legacy widgets can still be inserted without the error. So the issue seems to be specific to the customizer.

    Thanks! : )

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